September 27, 2014

Welcome Brian Mackey

Brian Mackey at Model Mayhem, deviantART.

Brian Mackey (Ctphotoguild) is 50 years old and lives in New Jersey, USA.

When viewing his work for the first time, I was immediately impressed by the true reality of his pictures. Neither refined lights nor perfect poses, neither complicate compositions nor false beauty, just the truth of his model, only a simple situation, and his camera to capture this pure moment of real life, so far from the heavy sophistication that makes famous so many photographers.

Disturbing or not, his photographs talk about his feelings, good or bad, about their feelings, up or down, and never lie.

"A friend from the past IV"
Art Model Amanda

"Femina Invictus series 3"
Art Model and Self-Photographer Rachel Lovitt

The arts and especially now digital photography has always been way for me to express my thoughts, my feelings, my fantasies, my demons, dreams and hidden desires.

"Lovely Lines"

The camera never lies, and the work that I produce, takes an amazing amount of trust between myself and the women and men that have been so willing to be my muse. I love them all and hold them all in the highest esteem.

There is a certain reverence in fine art, fetish, and erotica photography, and that very respect is the code by which I have always tried to live my life. So you can certainly say that for me my work has always been a very selfish endeavor, it is in a few words my reason for being.

From the oil field’s of Texas, to the beautiful woman in Ft. Lauderdale to the Harshness of the Canadian wilderness, and the dirty faced children of New Orleans, and the emptiness of New York, all of my subjects have in one way or another touched me, broken me or made me stronger. All have left a profound mark on my life.

"New muse..."
Art Model Miss Laura B

After a 20 year absence from the world of imagery, I feel that I have come home. The last two years I have found myself opening up my soul, shooting and showing my work in New York City, PA, and the internet. So with all that said, and so much more I would love to say. Please allow me to introduce to you, my section of this book.


  1. I own a few of Brian's prints, and I agree - his work is really impressive. He's a fantastic photographer!

  2. You're so right Iris ! I love each of your comments... And to share the same feelings about an artist. Thanks for your kind participation !


Merci ! Thank you !