January 4, 2013

Vic's interview of a self-portaitist

" My way to create ? Instinct, mood, availability. When I start, I forget notion of time... I need silence when working on pictures." Vic

"Pink attitude - What's up ?"

Vic also at deviantART.

"The unknown"

Vic, I've read so many compliments about your gallery : "Incredible, awesome, amazing, wonderful, inspired, fascinating", etc... Did you study photography in an art school ?

No… That's a huge regret by the way.

Don't regret ! You didn't need. Who inspired you ?

Too many talented people to mention them all but nobody in particular.

"Death of the Swan"


"Free me"

I feel a deep passion in your work... How long could you be far from your camera ?

It's never far enough to miss it.

I was sure ! Except indoors shootings, is there another type of location which could appeal you ?

Not really. Not yet !

So, you clearly prefer to shoot indoors, and natural lights...

I always use natural lights (okay, because of the lack of material too...). Most of my pictures are made in my appartment close to windows. Color or BW choice is decided later.

Some words about your models ? So about yourself as a self-portraitist ?...

I'm often my own model, not really because of narcissism but principally because I'm the most available and cheapest model I know.

My lovely daughter takes part to the game too but it is sometimes not so easy to manage her in another way than the fashion one (she's 18 years old, that's probably normal).

"La Femme Bleue"


A lot of your pictures are surreal, abstract or conceptual, full of symbols to resume. What is your process of creation ? Where do you find this endless inspiration ?
Instinct, mood, availability. When I start, I forget notion of time... I need silence when working on pictures.

"Entre ciel et terre"

Self-portraiture is a difficult exercise. How do you feel at the end of a shooting ?

Sometimes my body aches, but it is so exciting to load pictures immediately after on PC and to play with, that it compensates a lot.

"Ghosts dancing"
Model Nastassia

Like a large majority of artists, could you tell you're perfectionist ?

Depending on the wanted result, I should not call it corrections only. I often use textures and/or backgrounds to improve pictures' ambiance. I can't interrupt myself when working but I do not come back on it when it's done. If it is ok, that's cool. If it is not, next one, I'll try to make it better !

"I lost my heart"

Is there a special project you're dreaming about ?

No particular project at this time but

I wish I could quit my job to something more fun : arts... Photo, painting, sculpture, collage, etc.

I can imagine... Have you scheduled your next exhibition ?


No book published yet, I suppose ?

No, not even a diary.

"The bride of the pirate"

What's for your next future ?

Work to buy more photography equipment.

A message to send ?

I am a real alive paradox, a woman impossible to summarize... Thank you Chris.

Thank you Vic ! Come back soon...

"Thank you"

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Merci ! Thank you !