October 30, 2007

Elena Moncrieff joins us

"Cigarettes and Chocolate Milk"
Model Tonya

Elena Moncrieff loves art, all form of art.

She's a theatre addict who enjoys acting on stage and watching as many performances than she can.

She also loves writing, even if she thinks, like me and many writers, "just the whole process of it is quite curious".

Besides all these deep passions, Elena Moncrieff is a true gifted artist full of creative emotions.

I'll never tell enough how much I love the feminine way to shoot. Her portfolio is a fantastic journey into her inspired soul. There is nothing shooted for nothing, each pictures has its own sense. And last, but not the least, I love her titles... Of course... She loves writing.


“Worry gives a small thing a big shadow.”

"Beyond The Invisible"
Art Model Lucy

"I look into the mirror, See myself, I'm all over me... I need space for my desires, Have to dive into my fantasies... I know as soon as I'll arrive, Everything is possible... 'Cause no one has to hide, Beyond the invisible..."
(Enigma - "Beyond The Invisible")

Revolutionary Senses, written by Elena Moncrieff :

" What I hear…
The uncontrollable fantasies weep on the icy surface of my soul,
And the deafening sound of tales of love and adoration echoes with their fall.

" What I see…
The grieving sepulchre of my frozen emotion trembles at the touch of butterflies,
And the murky land cracks with the fall of a wicked god-send rolling dice.

" What I smell…
The acerbic scent of my phantom’s burning essence floods the frosty air,
And the aromatic nightfall slowly drifts with treacly Machiavellian flair.

" What I taste…
The glacial ocean of one tear creates a perpetual sadness bitter in my mouth,
And the sweet blood of my forlorn broken heart steeply sings far out.

" What I feel…
The arctic darkness of this night covers my face and embraces my mind,
And sends her warmth through my temples, where a shelter She will find."

Show Me Forgiveness

"Show me forgiveness For having lost faith in myself, And let my own interior up To inferior forces. The shame is endless, But if soon stars show forgiveness The girl might live." (Björk - "Show Me Forgiveness")

"La Valse d'Amélie"

"Safe From Harm"
Art Model Diana

"Lucky dippers Crazy chancers Seems to be moving fast What happened to the nicities Of my childhood days Well I can't do nothing 'bout that, no But if you hurt what's mine I'll sure as hell retaliate... You can free the world, you can free my mind, Just as long as my baby's safe from harm tonight..." (Massive Attack - "Safe From Harm")

October 27, 2007

Stephen Haynes : latest monograph !

" Fine art photographer Stephen Haynes is pleased to offer a signed monograph covering first sessions with seventeen extraordinary fine art nude models, entitled First Sessions.
This gorgeous photography collection includes over a hundred photos from first and subsequent photo shoots with models who range from first-time amateurs to seasoned professionals.
Each model's pages describe her first session before the camera. If you are a fan of Mr. Haynes's work, you will recognize names such as Meg, Donna, Bridget, Abigail, and many others."

Click here to purchase the new Stephen Haynes' book.

Elipa Killovna

"The fall of the Queen"
Self Portrait

Elipa (Elipa Killovna) is a young and creative artist living in Moscow.

Autodidact photographer, playing with colors as BW and never in lack of inspiration, it's only in summer 2005 that she suddenly found her vocation, "her all-life dream" : be an artist. Who could believe it, viewing her work, already so personal...

It's the picture above who attracted me. Beyond the elegance of the pose, the wonderful tones and the great composition, I found this melancholic (maybe vintage) touch I like so much in the russian artists' works.


"Only ashes"

"Sorrow's bride"

"Obscurity of time"
Self Portrait

You'll find Elipa at : her live-journal, her space at deviantART, her space at Flickr, photodom, Art Limited,photosight.ru.

October 19, 2007

Marquita Norwood joins us

Before a longer interview of Marquita Norwood, from Denver (USA), artist, painter, illustrator and currently photographer (woaw !... why am I just a writer ?... sniff...), I asked her the right to publish her comments about the self-portraits you'll see.

If you remember, ... yes ?, I've already published an article about self-portraiture, written (and featuring) by Rachell Lovitt. The words of Marquita Norwood give us another approach of a difficult but so beautiful artistic way to use a camera.

"Minus Company"

" I create self portraits because I am often the one that keeps myself company. I also not myself well, and become more intimate with who I am as the days go by. That truth pleases me more than you can know.

Some don't understand self portraiture, and in fact find it dull, but that is because they aren't comfortable with who they are. I can say I am comfortable with who I am. And yes, I reveal much in my works, including my body.
Some think I'm brave. I am not. I just find I am very expressive with my form. In fact dancing is my favourite form of expression, which may explain why I feel most expressive with my body.

I believe the body can be discredited. It is actually the countenance that is easier to reveal emotions. Our face gives away all our faults, bluffs, insecurities, with our without our knowing. But the body, the body is more difficult to reveal those same expressions, or even to have your face and body in harmony.

"Take Me With You"

" Sometimes garments complicate the image...making it some showcase of the garment rather than the expression... for me at least. I'm not here to get your validation or participate in some popularity contest. I'm here to showcase my art work.

I would loooove to have models... but they are difficult to find or rely on for that matter, especially when one is not a professional. I hope to model for others soon and photograph others soon, but right now... me, myself and I are the subject at hand."

Childe Abaddon

地獄 貴公子 (from Hong-Kong) - His blog

"My unfinish drawing"

"My unfinish drawing closeup"

Ernesto Timor joins us

Ernesto Timor is a french "photo-writer" living in Paris, idest an incredibly inspired artist mixing with success words and pictures to create his own particular universe.
Photography + writing = you can understand why I'm so happy to welcome here inside.

His fertile imagination combined with a tremendous prolixity make his work a must to see (as soon as possible) :
" Whereas minded erotic fantasy could seem my speciality, I'm a non-specialised "photowriter" ! Shadow remains my favorite colour, freedom for bodies and minds my ultimate claim. That is the way I've plaied the dabbler, amassing poetic phantasmagorias, hand-made small books, pictures of genuine or second-hand lolitas and irregular wanderings !"

"Le lac des mortes"

"C'est l'écho"

"I am Ernesto Timor (my grandfather was Spanish, but never learned me castillano !).
I live near Paris, and work partly as an art director, partly as a photographer, but only on commissions far from business rules…
Whereas straight and melancholic erotic pictures could seem my speciality for some people (and no doubt that’s what brings most surfers to my site!), I’m definitely a non-specialised "photowriter"!
Whatever the mood or the subject, I seek the same kind of surreal and sensual experience. I like it uncorrect and unexpected, always at the edge. Nearly no studio, very few true "models", no digital manipulation : for me photography is here to deal with real life. Darkness remains my favorite colour, freedom for bodies and minds my ultimate claim.

Well, you better have a look at my site Trompe-la-mort, and loose yourself among my wanderings ! "

"L'arrivée des mouches"

"La main heureuse"

"La femme pendule"

"Eloge du portrait en pied(s)"


You'll find Ernesto Timor at :

His official site : Trompe-la-mort,

His open-minded photoblog : Irregular,

Some photos ar Erographic and OlaPhoto.

His professional site (graphism and webdesign) : Timor Rocks !

October 18, 2007

Arwendur for the 1st time

Born in the 60', living in UK, Arwendur works on a wide range of styles, from fetish (his preferred) and glamour shots to emotive portraits, pin-up art, fashion, landscapes.

Self called "wildlife" photographer, and he's right, I was immediatly attracted by his creativity. Beyond leather, rubber or rope which have no secret for him, you'll discover in his portfolios an amazing artist who knows how to capture the best of his fantastic models.

"Sasha IX"
Model Sasha Mia

You'll find him at : his official site, deviantART, Saatchi Gallery.

" I've had an interest in photography since I was around 11 years old. My Grandfather used to shoot, and develop and print stills and cine film, mainly of family and friends. He had a small darkroom for his work which was quite fascinating to watch and assist with.

" I learned the basics of photography from my Grandfather at a young age but from then on I've been self taught photographer.

"Dexy, Clown II"

"Red October I"
Art Model October

" Having spent a long time in technical roles in science and engineering I've closely followed the incredible growth and improvement in quality of digital imagery and photography and its this improvement that has recently inspired me to pick up a camera again and become more seriously involved in photography.

" I mainly use digital technology though I appreciate and ocassionaly use film. Film has a beauty of its own and my approach to digital photography is fairly purist in a sense as I do very little digital manipulation, if any. I try only to digitally mimmick the techniques one can use in a traditional dark room, techniques such as conversions to black and white and sepia or duotoning."

"Sasha XI"
Art Model Sasha Mia

Arwendur is featured in the new book Fetish Photo Anthology, about 450 pictures from the most famous photographers around the world including some of my favorites such as Perry Gallagher, Michael Helms, Brad Miller, Craig Morey, David Perry, Thomas van de Scheck...

October 10, 2007

Brian A Woodwick joins us

WoodEye at deviantART.

"Mercury stalking"

WoodEye is one of the favorite photographers of Mic Ardant :

" I am dazzled completely ! I find your gallery absolutely fabulous, moreover it is authentic for me, I have the impression that it is your life I travel throughout your splendid photographs. All my most sincere admiration." Mic Ardant.

Of course, Mic told me to interviewe Brian, quickly, for the truth of his pictures, this reality he doesn't hide. And he was right.

Brian A Woodwick is one of this realist photographer I deeply like. Never in lack of inspiration, sometimes talking with the angels, black and white, his models are always natural and you won't find in his portfolio anything else than the simplicity of spontaneous pictures.

"Aviva dance with Spidey"

" WoodEye has shot for small weekly newspapers, bands, model portfolios and some commercial work.

Bands don't pay worth a dang and commercial work is not personally satisfying, which leaves shooting models. Models don't pay worth a dang either but they are more fun to look at.

Since 1992 he has participated in the Iguana Photo workshop in Santa Fe NM. This workshop was created by WoodEye and Santa Fe photographer, Chris Corrie, for the sole purpose of shooting for the wall. In other words, to define and refine our vision into a finished presentation. In spite of ten years of these workshops WoodEye is really at the beginning of the presentation portion of this life long project. While this may be due to a talent/intelligence challenged brain, you are free to your opinion. WoodEye's vision goal is to present an interesting stimuli that sticks to your brain.

"Crystal tree gazer"

"Joy wood nymph"

"Claudia 5-15"

" WoodEye is a native of the Pacific Northwest where he graduated from Mt Si High school right after dirt was invented.

It was during his time in that school, as the school newspaper photographer, yearbook photographer and the local weekly paper that he started shooting bands. This was due to an overwhelming interest in the subject and a way to get into the shows for free.

This philosophy was continued into the 80's at the Evergreen State College for their newspaper and then for several small newspapers around the greater Seattle area. While money was not made, great images and memories were.

"Eliza hands an hat"

" When plans were announced for the Experience Music Project museum, WoodEye contacted the staff and submitted photos. Some of those images are now on display including the very large print of Rail in the NW passage.

While WoodEye is now concentrating on his fine art images, he is still excited to shoot the occasional rock show. 

WoodEye photo's can be seen on various band websites and soon to be in the finer galleries near you."

"Jennifer corner portrait"