" Keep your eyes and your senses open, try to look at everything with the eyes of a newborn, contemplate the world, it's immenselo beautiful when you start perceiving it with all your senses !"
"Exclusive preview : "Jenata dnes" magazine, Oct'08"
Dear Nikola, tell us how did your passion begin ? Young, I suppose ?
I occasionally bought a point-and-shoot camera in October 2003 and started taking pictures of my ex-girlfriend, who was a model ; I also started going with her on shootings and taking some backstage shots. And I loved it !
Then I started taking photographs of everything I saw, mainly street and reportage stuff... The shift towards fashion photography came when I realized that I wanted to be rich and famous.
Good challenge ! Nikola, your work is impressive... Did you learn photography in a special school ?
No, and I think it's pointless to do so !
From where do you come your inspiration ?
I actually get inspired from everything that surrounds me, the beauty and the variety of the world we are living in...
And your favorite photographers ?
James Nachtwey, Sebastiao Salgado, Henri Cartier-Bresson... From the fashion world : Mert & Marcus, Demarchelier, Daniela Federici.
How long could you be far from your camera without getting mad ?
I don't know, never tried that :)
That's clear. It seems outdoors shootings have your preference ? Is it true ?
Of course, the location plays a very important part in the whole thing, it helps to create the right mood.
Sure. So ?
Definetely outdoor, preferebly black and white, as few light sources as possible.
Your shootings seem very organized. It doesn't mean theyr are, so what is your way to proceed ? Chaos or order ?
Total chaos ! I mean, really, sometimes I even get scared of how chaotic my work process is !
I really believed it was the contrary... A difficult question : have you some words to describe your style ?
It keeps changing and (maybe) evolving, I am not sure if I can pin it... Maybe the keywords are emotion, passion, feeling, contrasty, retro, Parisienne... Of course, there are lots of exceptions to that.
"Glamour-ish Svilena"
Actress Svilena Kidess
A beautiful text from his blog :
"Svilena is happy"
Actress Svilena Kidess
What are your favorite themes ?Actress Svilena Kidess
You know, actually photography is a very philosophycal thing. Teaches you to see things.
A beautiful text from his blog :
"Bodygraphia IX"
" Life is a really strange thing.
I mean, really. You never know what might happen tomorrow. Or after an hour. Fascinating, isn't it ? But at the end, life is beautiful.
That's what I wrote about last night in my main blog (it's in Bulgarian, I don't have the mental resource to write so much in English). Everything is strange, beautiful, colorful, infinite. And the world is just so big, so strange, so... so much of everything.
And I want to capture it all, to admire everything, to penetrate everything. I want to capture the soul of things, the meaning of being. And the only instrument for me is my photography. An image can tell more than thousands and thousands of words could ever do. Things are undescrivable, but... feelable ?
And the perfect photograph is still out there, waiting for me to see it and capture it.
The perfect moment, the perfect subject, the perfect meaning.
The essence of perfection...
I've always tried to achieve it, in everything I do, even before discovering photography's charm and becoming obsessed with it.
"Cet obscur objet du désir V"
There's so much to see, so many things to do, so many places to visit, so many people too meet, so many perfect moments to contemplate, so many stories to hear, so many stories to tell, so many things to be inspired from, so many moments you want to last forever...
Life is beautiful, yes, but so short.
And I am already 25, and completely blank. Unformatted. I haven't achieved nothing. I have been nowhere. I am like a white piece of paper, waiting to be written on.
Sometimes I am nowhere, and yet everywhere. I don't exist, and yet I am everything. I do nothing, and yet I dream of doing so many things. And I am like the zephyr (what a beautiful, tasty word... zephyr zephyr zephyr), like the desert wind, uncatchable, untouchable, unseen and unseenable.
I am one with the heart of the Earth, the soul of Gaya, with the essence of it all... and yet I am continiously trying to capture it. I am a chevalier de la Lumière, a knight of the Light... And my eye is my sword."
"Svilena is happy"
Actress Svilena Kidess
In my photography ? The contemplation of the beauty and the perfection that surround us, in every possible form.
Unfortunately, having decided to concentrate on fashion photography, I rarely have time for doing other things, like my beloved street and portrait photography...
Model Josefin Herrmann
Some words about your gorgeous models ?
Um :) I work with some of the best agencies in Milan and Sofia and obviously I prefer booking an experienced model whenever possible, it makes it a whole lot easier. Most of the models I work with are just like any other girl with a regular job...
Actually, being a model is not at all as glamourous as it seems !
For sure ! And how do you feel at the end of a shooting ?
Happy that I've got some new nice photographs and sad that the fun is over :-)
"Bodygraphia workshop II"
"Original title : "The Birth of a Nymph"... or "A Nymph is Born", I cannot decide..."
Have you a special project, some challenges you're dreaming about in a next future ?
What about a Vogue cover ? Or the Pirelli calendar ? Only the sky is the limit.
Nice goals ! Have you published a book ?
Not yet, but it's been some time that I am considering doing so, in fact as soon as I think I am ready with the project I will approach some editors.
Actually I am thinking of two books, one about the female beauty and one with portrait and street work.
I'm impatient to see that !... Before we leave, have you a message to send ?
Keep your eyes and your senses open, try to look at everything with the eyes of a newborn, contemplate the world, it's immenselo beautiful when you start perceiving it with all your senses !
It's a wonderful message... And so true. Thanks a lot Nikola !
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Merci ! Thank you !