Ben Dzign at deviantART, his first feature.
Dear Ben, how did your passion begin ?
When I was young, because my father was a photographer.
Did you learn your art in a special school ?
Yes, in a special school in the south of France (ETPA).
How long could you be far from your camera ?
I've always in my pocket a "compact".
"Jennifer Forest 11"
Who are your favorite photographers ?
My favorite is Hervé Lewis (renowned for the french Aubade Series).
Is your photography mostly about nudes ?
Artistic Nude (it's my favorite subject because woman body is always perfect) and Landscapes.
Do you plan every details of your shootings ?
I never plan anything.
"Cindy 2"
I'm sure you're particularly inspired by a type of location...
Yes, outdoors, in the forests above all.
So ? Your preferences ?
Mostly Black & White, and outdoors because there is a real light with beautiful shadows.
Some words about your models ? Maybe about a shooting that you particularly liked ?
Often my models are my friends. All my shootings are always fun. My favorite was for the Series "Isabelle Forest", a lovely model with beautiful curves.
How do you feel at the end of a shooting ?
Like in a dream.
"Cindy 6"
Have you a special project, some challenges you're dreaming about in a near future ?
Nothing special...
Have you scheduled your next exhibition ?
Is there a book to come ?
Maybe next year ?
A message to send ?
Thanks a lot to all my wonderful models.
Thanks a lot Ben ! You win the award of the shortest interview I've ever made ! (I'm kidding ! I know how much it's not so easy to talk english...)
ReplyDeleteMagnificent photo. Respect to the author his creativity.