June 13, 2013

James M. Graham's interview

" I like tension in my photos - something that causes the viewer to feel just a little uncomfortable or a bit put-off, but drawn in at the same time - an inability to look away."

"Me and Isabella"

James M. Graham lives in Brooklyn, New York, and specializes in portraits and narrative imagery, from fashion to fine art.

He has spent 20 years as a filmmaker, at various times producing, writing, directing and shooting.

He has worked on a variety of projects ranging from a Guns 'n' Roses video to the 2004 Natori Lingerie Campaign.

He is featured in the Taschen book, "The New Erotic Photography" with 81 other groundbreaking photographers.

James M. Graham at his blog, Model Mayhem.

Art Model Cristi

" I've shot in nearly every hotel in Manhattan. And one in Queens (twice) and one in Southern New Jersey and one in Seattle and one in Portland. I've shot in friends' apartments, models' apartments, office buildings and Richard Avedon's former studio."

Art Model Natsuko

"Collages - My Book"

James, tell us how really did your passion for photography begin ?

My Father gave me my first camera. It was his. It was an old Kodak Brownie 8mm home movie camera. I shot some stuff. I projected it. I spliced it. I projected it. Frame-by-frame animation was my gig. Do you think it might catch on ?

At your opinion ?... And how did you get into nude art photography ?

 I asked some girls to take off their clothes. They did. I still do. Have you seen my eyes ?

They couldn't resist ! How long could you be far from your camera ?

As long as it takes to pick up again with a purpose.

Art Model Kristin

 You have a signature. I'm curious to know about your greatest inspirators ?

My inspirations. Well, they change from day to day, hour to hour.

Sometimes it is my Mother, sometimes it is the guy that drove me home in a cab across the Manhattan Bridge and told me all about the Taxi Strike here in NYC.

All of the time they are about anyone that can tell a story.

Art Model Evelyn

" Here's a photo just for Chris. It's Evelyn. Smart, fine and I hope, always happy.."

Art Model Mercury

Art Model Kim

" Kim on her Upper East Side balcony one night in May."

Art Models Mayan and Laila

And how long dit it take to find your so original style ? How do you define it ?

 Once I became aware of my pursuit, it was immediate. Except that it changes and evolves every minute.

How lucky you are !!! James, I'm sure your photography is not mostly nudes.

 No. Yes. Sometimes. Never ! What's your point ?

To know you better !
For example, how do you work ? Do you plan everything ?

(50%) Realize the picture in your head.
(30%) Try to realize the picture in your head.
(10%) Wing it and come up with something brilliant.
(10%) Wing it and bury the shots. Really, really deep.

Art Model Renee

Art Model Reby

You seem to be well everywhere. But do you feel particularly inspired by a type of location ?

Sort of.
It's all relative, man.

Of course. Some words about your models ? A shooting that you particularly liked ?

 My most published shot is of my friend Sybil shot for my Room # series three years ago. She was perfect. We did good.

Art Model Rael

How do you feel at the end of a shooting ?

High. Ecstatic.



Pissed off.



It's all relative, man.

Have you a special project, some challenges you're dreaming about in a near future ?

 I am currently working on a gallery show, a limited edition release of several of my projects, and agency representation. All of that is hard and exhaustive. So in the meantime, I'm just shooting stuff...

Art Model Theda

Have you published a book ? Is there one to come ?Coming off being featured in "The New Erotic Photography" from Taschen, I'm as happy as I can be.

Magazine commissions and my own monograph are both in the works.

Thanks a lot James ! Great, smart and fun interview !

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Merci ! Thank you !