November 2, 2015

Michael Helms joins us

Michael Helms at his official site, and this one, Model Mayhem, deviantART.

"Kitty 1"

I know the work of Michael Helms since my first steps in the fine art world. With over a million hits on his DA gallery in less than a year, he's one of these essential american photographers you can't miss.

"Mina in my studio"

With a strong liking for coloured and lively pictures, the work of Michael Helms, close friend of Perry Gallagher ("co-conspirator in the making of many images, a profound influence on my work and the true definition of what a friend should be"), is based on an amazing creativity, contrary to what he claims and that you'll read in this article.

Shooting the most expressive models in the world, and celebrities, Michael knows everything about light ("90% of my work is natural light, soft, diffused, directional (mostly North) light"), balance, tones, poses, form, movement, texture, concept, execution, technical dealios, and so on. But, you know me, I prefer to talk about his tremendous talent, the joy I feel contemplating his shots, all these deep and strong feelings that turn me upside down.

Yes, indeed and definitively, Michael Helms is a great and kind photographer I'm honoured to welcome.

"Courtney's corset"
Art Model Courtney Cruz

"Caroline's breasts"

Michael Helms by Fetish Photo Box :

" Few photographers have had such a wonderfully diverse career and shooting history.
Michael is one of "those photographers" that has the sixth sense for seeing and feeling light.

Magical, talented, gifted in several forms of art ; it is an honor to have Michael as a presenter and teacher at Fetish Photo Box™. Michael, a true master, will be showing us how he makes some of his craft come to life."

"K 5002"

" So, what's my point ?
An easy, simple, and yet profound one...
I'm grateful. I'm happy, healthy, and ever so lucky to just be alive.
I love life.
I feel so full and yet I am still hungry. So I may go out doing something a little "out there" or I may die of old age. Who knows."

"Divinora by the back door"
Art Model Divinora

I got my start shooting fashion about 25 years ago here in Los Angeles. I moved into shooting headshots for actors, models, and some celebrity stuff because it wasn't a field so rife with politics. For those to whom it makes a difference (it doesn't to me) - yes - I HAVE shot some famous people. Tim Curry, Katie Hudson, and Angelina Jolie to mention a few. These days I try to avoid celebrity shooting because I am not comfortable with politics. My DA gallery represents my art - not my profession.

I'm really good at what I do. Probably better than 95% of the photographers out there. But I'm NOT "brilliant" or "amazing". I don't think my work shows much originality. I'm good with taking an existing idea and making more of it but when I see the ORIGINAL and, yes, BRILLIANT work of Perry Gallagher and others on DA, I am encouraged to keep striving for more.

"Jon 1415"

"Maxine 7368"

"Composite of images"

After all - it is those who's work I admire that bring me inspiration. Part of adulthood is knowing how good you ARE and how good you ARE NOT and being comfortable with the joy of life's challenge.

Art is about a journey... a wonderful, progressive, and constantly striving journey.

So - no - I am not "arrogant" but I AM confident. No - I am not "elitist" but I do know what I like and don't like.

"Scar and Kumi 1"

1 comment:

  1. I am a HUGE fan of Michael's work, as well as Perry's. There is only a handful of people in this country who I'd consider traveling to just for the opportunity to shoot with them. Michael and Perry are amongst those people. Incredible talent and artistic vision. Refreshing and creative work, executed to the highest standards.


Merci ! Thank you !