" I believe a fine art nude image should first catch the eye with its beauty and then say something. I strive to express emotions through body language, facial expressions, lighting and props." Mike Slygh
"Washing up"
Dear Mike, tell us how your passion for photography begin ?
My father introduced me to the darkroom when I was seven. I love the process of bringing out the image. Although I use a digital darkroom more then a chemical one now, I try to only do digitally what can be done chemically.
Like so many artists ! I'm always surprised how young begins our passion for art... And where did you learn photography ?
I took a few classes at the Baum School of Art in Allentown, Pennsylvania and learned a great deal about lighting from Olaf Starorypinksi. Also, I have purchased numerous books which provided food for thought and exploration. I have always been an avid reader.
How long could you be far from your camera ? Is it your obsession ?
Long enough to eat dinner. I carry my camera with me just about everywhere.
Who are your greatest inspirators ?
I enjoy the work of many fine art photograhers, but get my inspiration is nature and my own imagination.
And your favorite photographers ?
Alex Ingram, Ted Preuss and Edward Weston.
How long did it take to find your own style ?
About two years.
How could you define it ?
Light, contrast. and emotion.
Finally, how did you get into nude art photography ?
I have always been interested in creating beautiful artistic images. I was fortunate to meet a young lady who was interested in fine art and fashion modeling. We have worked and learned together for a number of years. Once I started, other models have come forward to work with me. I have learned something from each of them.
"The View thru the Rocks"
Art Model Zinn
Art Model Zinn
What is your favorite theme ?
When I was in high school, the following thought was attributed to Edgar Allan Poe said :
"A poem should first be a rhythmical creation of beauty and then it should say something."
I believe a fine art nude image should first catch the eye with its beauty and then say something. I strive to express emotions through body language, facial expressions, lighting and props.
Is your photography mostly nudes ?
I shoot a little bit of everything, but fine art nudes are my passion.
What is your process of creation ? Do you plan every details or is it improvisation from the beginning to the end ?
My creative process is a little bit of both. I develop a vision/goal and then like to collaborate with the model and make-up artist to achieve it.
Art Model Zinn
I'm sure you feel particularly inspired by a type of location ?
I am inspired by all of Mother Nature. She is the ultimate artist.
You're so right ! Some words about your gorgeous models ?
I enjoy working with models with whom I can collaborate creatively. Having to constantly position and direct the model takes away from the creative energy. Typically it takes three shoots with a model to develope a good working relationship and synergy.
A shooting that you particularly liked ?
I recently worked with my favorite model Zinn, while visiting the east coast. We spent an hour together in my hotel room working with a single lamp and a mirror. I really loved the results.
Art Model Zinn
I saw your "love" for Zinn... How do you feel at the end of a shooting ?
If all has gone smoothly and the objective achieved, elated. If the model and I didn't click, let down.
Have you a special project, some challenges you're dreaming about in a near future ?
I have a list of ideas for shoots/images on my computer for which I am looking for the right location/model/lighting. I keep adding to the list.
Have you scheduled your next exhibition ? Have you published a book ?
"A Girl and her Mirror"
Art Model Zinn
Art Model Zinn
You might ! Your fantastic work deserves it. So, are you planning to publish one soon ?
I am working on a book which will be titled "Three years with Zinn". We have come a long way together.
Bravo ! Keep us informed. Besides shooting, have you another passion ?
Amateur Radio. My call sign is KI6IRA.
Ho ! I was a military radio ! I understand your interest. A message to send before we leave ?
I feel strongly about the importance of helping new photographers to develop their creativity. I try to spend a certain amount of time helping both models and photographers who are starting out. A little encouragement can go a long way. We just need to take a little time to reach out to those who need it.
Thanks Mike ! For your kindness, your words, and your wonderful work !
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