November 21, 2012

Mike Slygh's Interview

" I believe a fine art nude image should first catch the eye with its beauty and then say something. I strive to express emotions through body language, facial expressions, lighting and props." Mike Slygh

"Feeling Small"
Art Model Zinn

"Wood Nymph"
Art Model Zinn

"Washing up"

Dear Mike, tell us how your passion for photography begin ?

My father introduced me to the darkroom when I was seven. I love the process of bringing out the image. Although I use a digital darkroom more then a chemical one now, I try to only do digitally what can be done chemically.

Like so many artists ! I'm always surprised how young begins our passion for art... And where did you learn photography ?

I took a few classes at the Baum School of Art in Allentown, Pennsylvania and learned a great deal about lighting from Olaf Starorypinksi. Also, I have purchased numerous books which provided food for thought and exploration. I have always been an avid reader.

How long could you be far from your camera ? Is it your obsession ?

Long enough to eat dinner. I carry my camera with me just about everywhere.

"Ah 11"
Art Model Andrea

Who are your greatest inspirators ?

I enjoy the work of many fine art photograhers, but get my inspiration is nature and my own imagination.

And your favorite photographers ?

Alex Ingram, Ted Preuss and Edward Weston.

How long did it take to find your own style ?

About two years.

How could you define it ?

Light, contrast. and emotion.

"Water Series 6"

" Zinn in Blue"
Art Model Zinn

Finally, how did you get into nude art photography ?

I have always been interested in creating beautiful artistic images. I was fortunate to meet a young lady who was interested in fine art and fashion modeling. We have worked and learned together for a number of years. Once I started, other models have come forward to work with me. I have learned something from each of them.

"The View thru the Rocks"
Art Model Zinn

What is your favorite theme ?

When I was in high school, the following thought was attributed to Edgar Allan Poe said :

"A poem should first be a rhythmical creation of beauty and then it should say something."

I believe a fine art nude image should first catch the eye with its beauty and then say something. I strive to express emotions through body language, facial expressions, lighting and props.

Is your photography mostly nudes ?

I shoot a little bit of everything, but fine art nudes are my passion.

Art Model Zinn

What is your process of creation ? Do you plan every details or is it improvisation from the beginning to the end ?

My creative process is a little bit of both. I develop a vision/goal and then like to collaborate with the model and make-up artist to achieve it.

Art Model Zinn

I'm sure you feel particularly inspired by a type of location ?

I am inspired by all of Mother Nature. She is the ultimate artist.

You're so right ! Some words about your gorgeous models ?

I enjoy working with models with whom I can collaborate creatively. Having to constantly position and direct the model takes away from the creative energy. Typically it takes three shoots with a model to develope a good working relationship and synergy.

A shooting that you particularly liked ?

I recently worked with my favorite model Zinn, while visiting the east coast. We spent an hour together in my hotel room working with a single lamp and a mirror. I really loved the results.

"S Curves"
Art Model Zinn

Art Model Zinn

Art Model Zinn

I saw your "love" for Zinn... How do you feel at the end of a shooting ?

If all has gone smoothly and the objective achieved, elated. If the model and I didn't click, let down.

Have you a special project, some challenges you're dreaming about in a near future ?

I have a list of ideas for shoots/images on my computer for which I am looking for the right location/model/lighting. I keep adding to the list.

Have you scheduled your next exhibition ? Have you published a book ?


"A Girl and her Mirror"
Art Model Zinn

You might ! Your fantastic work deserves it. So, are you planning to publish one soon ?

I am working on a book which will be titled "Three years with Zinn". We have come a long way together.

Bravo ! Keep us informed. Besides shooting, have you another passion ?

Amateur Radio. My call sign is KI6IRA.

Ho ! I was a military radio ! I understand your interest. A message to send before we leave ?

I feel strongly about the importance of helping new photographers to develop their creativity. I try to spend a certain amount of time helping both models and photographers who are starting out. A little encouragement can go a long way. We just need to take a little time to reach out to those who need it.

Thanks Mike ! For your kindness, your words, and your wonderful work !

"Anza Borrego - 6"
Art Model Zinn

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Merci ! Thank you !