November 10, 2015

Welcome Nick Giles

"Button 1"

"Button 1A"

Above all, Nick Giles loves BW pictures. Of course there are some coloured ones in his sites, but you'll quickly see how much he knows everything about lights and shadows, in an incredible range of wonderful tones.

First time I checked his gallery, I was immediatly very impressed by the two photos above (Button), where I see this little "art-deco" touch I love so much.

I'm waiting (with impatience) for his interview to tell you more about this outstanding composer and talented photographer.


Firstly I would like to thank you for visiting my website and hope that you enjoy the contents of its pages.

As can be seen from the banner at the head of each page my name is Nick Giles and I live in Warrington in the North West of England. Where I am employed as a photographer in Warrington's Creative Camera studio. This is a long established studio of 38 years, myself being employed at the studio since 2001. As can be seen from the Home page a large and varied field of photographic work is undertaken.

"Paula 3"

As you view the galleries of the site it will become obvious that I am an Advocate of Black and White photography and traditional methods.

Most of the images have been shot on film and not digital, I have recently acquired a digital camera and as such I am now using both mediums.

"Jen Barley 1"

This picture has won a DD : " Perfect framing, respecting classic composition norms and simultaneously reinventing then, using contrast to make a sharp image smooth, and warn at the same time, texture use is superb, the main subject is the softest spot in the image despite the obvious. This piece's value comes from simplicity and aggression, the mixture makes it a contradicting peaceful mess. Mr Vertigo."

"Jen Barley 3"

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Merci ! Thank you !