February 18, 2013

Jacqueline Chantelle by Dave Rudin


You can read about Jacqueline and see more photos of her at Model Mayhem, One Model Place and Retro Kitten.

Written by Dave Rudin :

Chris is still out on medical leave, so I'm still continuing to try to keep things going here in his absence by making a posting about once a week or so.

Today I'm writing about the model Jacqueline Chantelle. Jackie is a very lovely young woman who I had the pleasure of working with not once but twice last year. She lives in the Cincinnatti, Ohio area and is a lot of fun to work with.

My first session with Jacqueline was in the studio of my friend Dave Levingston in Dayton in the springtime. During the summer, I photographed her outdoors in the Hocking Hills area of Ohio. (Sadly, our photo shoot that day was severely hampered by so many other people being there.)

1 comment:

  1. I really like the mirror shots. Good post. Keep up the good work while we wait for Chris.

    D.L. Wood


Merci ! Thank you !