October 10, 2008

Ophelia theme viewed by

There are recurrent themes, sources of an infinite inspiration. Ophelia is one of them.

Andre J
"Ophelia 2"
Art Model Seraphiim

From Wikipedia :

" Ophelia is a fictional character in the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare. She is a young noblewoman of Denmark, and sweetheart of Prince Hamlet.

A possible historical source for Ophelia is Katherine Hamlet, a young woman who fell into the Avon river and died in December 1579.

Though it was eventually concluded that she had overbalanced while carrying some heavy pails, rumours that she was suffering from a broken heart were considered plausible enough for an inquest to be conducted into whether her death was a suicide.

Paul Alexander
"Lady of the Lake"

Richard Rasner
"A Modern Ophelia"
Art Model Catwoman

Gary Mitchell
Art Model Dreamscapes

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Merci ! Thank you !