January 8, 2009

Miles Chandler joins us !

You'll find Miles Chandler at : Model Mayhem, deviantART.

"Stone Blades"
Art Model Vicky

"Judith on Sleepy Coastline 05"

Miles Chandler (from Ottawa, Ontario, Canada) is an incredible reader (about 4000 pounds of books in his home), a teacher and a writer, but above all he's a passionate "amateur" photographer, as he says it with a nice simplicity.

Miles prefers to shoot outdoors, in color and natural light (not "photoshoped"...). These clear aesthetic choices combined with his talent to find outstanding natural settings bring us the very best.

I'm watching him since a long time, full of admiration for his "poetic" compositions, his sensibility, his rich colors, the natural look of his models... All these qualities that make the difference between an amateur and a true artist.

So here he is... Now let's him talk. And enjoy your trip !

"The Gloaming"

Miles Chandler about his work :

" From Nova Scotia, Canada, I live in Ottawa now, but my photography is about the coastlines.

I've been shooting artistic nudes since 1990, and have worked with many many lovely models, so I have a large body of work.

Along with the fun of spending time with my friends (and nude photography can be a wonderful way to pass a few hours), I love recording the natural settings. The discovery of a new location- a forgotten ruin or hidden waterfall- is a large part of what keeps me going.

Art Models Ingrid and Trisha

The rocks, sea and trees of Canada are profoundly important to me, as my earliest memories.The endless qualities of light and shadow are the seduction of this hobby, and I try to record them as they are.

These images are my aesthetic. They aren't a political statement except on the most basic social level- the challenge of our discomfort with nudity and endless encoding of the body that any nude photograph is.

"Blue Daisies"
Art Model Tricia

Art Model Trisha

The love of rich color is fundamental to me, so I usually chose to work with it, rather than black & white.

I want my pictures to be engaging, thoughtful and beautiful. Occasionally I think I've manged it, for a moment.

Naturalism is a strange mandate for a photographer, but I do attempt to follow it as a philosophy whenever I can. These pictures use no flashes- real light is good enough for me.

I used fully manual cameras until I went digital recently, but the principles are the same.
My models generally use no makeup or hair styling. The results don't please everyone, but ultimately we make art for ourselves.

I feel very fortunate to have found so many people that appreciate my images. I hope you enjoy them."

"Ingrid at Dawson Falls 09"

"Burntcoat Head 04"

"Ghost in the Gears"
Art Model Ingrid

T.S. Eliot once said of great art that "it can be apprehended before it is understood". I feel that way about beauty.

We react to it, deeply and immediately, regardless of depth of intended meaning.


A beautiful face affects us. A sunset affects us. And we decide which faces are beautiful, which sunsets are most lovely. We bring our own memories and associations to provide emotional depth and resonance.

So when you see Ingrid and Judith in a golden field by the Pacific, you don't have to know that they're close friends who have a brief time together before one leaves. That they won't meet again for years. You don't have to know how dearly I love them both, or the history of my relationships with them.

That's what I bring to the table ; you have your own thoughts and feelings. And if your experiences and sensibilities don't correspond to mine, you won't react to the image, and you'll move on to find one that does speak to you. That communion is private.

But if you DO feel a connection with it, if it does affect you emotionally- that's what makes it precious.

"Miranda at Sandy Lake 22"
Art Model Miranda

" One fine summer day, Miranda, Eric Boutilier-Brown and I went out down some logging roads to Sandy Lake, and shot some of the locations I had previously explored by canoe with a friend. After the dam, we moved to the nearby mountains of old sawdust and played among the old mill's discarded machinery."

"Judith at York Shore Battery 3"

These photographs have nothing to teach you, nothing to say.
They show perfectly ordinary beautiful women in perfectly ordinary beautiful landscapes with perfectly ordinary beautiful light.

That's all. They might make nice postcards.




  1. Bonjour de Montréal au Québec.
    Mr.Chandler is a great artist and I am very happy to see his work here.
    M.Chandler est un très bon artiste et il mérite amplement de se retrouver dans vos pages.
    Bonne journée.
    Pictet sur DA

  2. I've been following him for quite sometime since I joined Deviantart and truly appreciate his work. The natural colors, light, backgrounds, and lovely models are always a great thing to see. And its rare nowadays to see someone use all the naturalness around him instead of computers and lights. I applaud him and hope someday to be able to take pictures with such feeling and emotion as him.



Merci ! Thank you !