September 6, 2009

Bookstore 1 - From A to L

Andrew Cumberland

"Wandering Southeast Queensland
Come on an amazing journey around Southeast Queensland with photographer, Andrew Cumberland. Short but informative snippets will keep you amused and surprised. The stunning photography will keep you awestruck at the diverse range of natural beauty held in one small area of the State of Queensland, Australia. Wander south, west and north in search of the ultimate prize - the perfect photographic image.

Softcover US $34.95
Hardcover, Dust Jacket US $44.95
Hardcover, ImageWrap US $49.95


Andrew Kaiser

Dimensions : Square, 160 pages, Premium Paper.
Photographs by fine art photographer Andrew Kaiser. Specializing in portraits and figure studies, Andrew has been a fine art photographer for over ten years. The images featured in SESSIONS reflect some of his strongest work over the last three years.

Softcover US $33.95


"Nudes 2004-2010"
Chip Willis presents his favorites from 2004 to Present. Photographs depicting beautiful women he has photographed, in varied settings and plots.

Softcover US $ 58.24
Hardcover, US $ 78.19
Cheaper in Euros...



Chris St James

"Errances Lointaines"

Un miroir, un atome, tous les chiffres, et les symboles, les neuf chœurs, et les deux autres, l’envers des choses, beaucoup d'amour et de courage, le Présent, un zeste d’immensité, l’amour de soi, l’envie de donner, une forte loupe, quelques marches sereines, le chant d’un oiseau, la pose tranquille du lézard, l’énergie de la matrice, celle des étoiles, et enfin des litres d'encre… Entre autres…

Hardcover, € 25
File Download € 6.75



Tout là-haut les étoiles commençaient à se coucher dans un ciel bleu-nuit sans taches ni plis. Elle voulait en attraper une avant qu'elles ne remontent aux premiers rayons de soleil. Comme celle qui se posait sur le champ tout juste semé. Ses petites jambes semblaient prêtes à décoller tant elle courait à perdre haleine pour l'attraper. C'était la sienne ! Elle l'attendait, elle savait qu'elle serait là juste pour elle. Dans sa chambre elle la mettra sur sa table de nuit, histoire d'éclairer le noir de ses nuits. Peut-être même ne fera-t-elle plus de cauchemar, car sa lumière la protègera. Soudain une étoile s'alluma au-dessus d'elle, lui révélant le meilleur chemin pour aller décrocher la sienne.

Hardcover, € 25
File Download € 6.75


"Paroles d'Ange"

« De questions en questions et de craintes en doutes, se dessine ta mission et s’ouvre ta route. Il n’y a pas d’ailleurs car tout est en toi, l'amour est dans ton cœur et dans tous tes choix. Quand tu renaîtras ne restera de ton monde que ta spiritualité en ton Âme féconde. Il n’y a pas d’ailleurs, tout est déjà là, tout est question de cœur dans ce Monde là. C’est ainsi que l’instant prend toute sa mesure, la Vie est un Présent qui éternellement dure. Il n’y a pas d’ailleurs, il n’y en aura jamais, tout est en ton cœur pour l’éternité. Si tu as compris la leçon, tu es plus qu’humain, tu es partie et tout du divin. Il n’y a pas d’ailleurs, maintenant tu le sais, Le Trésor est à l’intérieur, reste à l’éclairer. »

Hardcover, € 26.81
File Download € 6.75 -

Christophe Vermare

"So Kyla"

Standard Portrait, 8x10 inches (20x25 cm), 38 pages. His first "carnet" dedicated to two exchanges he had with Kyla Cole.

Softcover US $26.20
Hardcover, Dust Jacket US $39.95


"The idea of this book of nudes stemmed from a desire to show a Distance. A number of observers had commented on its presence and its key role in my photographs. At the time I had no idea that my emotional approach could in part be based on this, and I concentrated on simple measurable physical distances. And then, through conversations and the benefit of hindsight, I came to see a whole set of distances, often as intangible and multidimensional spaces..."
Top quality printing process, 28.5cm x 21.5cm, 157 gsm art paper, spot varnish on each photo and dust cover.
Three languages (French, English and Japanese). 168 pages of Black and White (and few colors) Nude Photographies. A limited edition of 200 will also be available (200gsm paper and a surprise!)."

Hard Cover : 38€ ($52 or 4900Yens) + shipping.


Corwin Prescott


" Over 100 pictures, slowly slowly slowly organized into a few different chapters. Many of my most popular photos are in this as well as a few never before seen photographs."


Dan West

"The Outdoor Nude
A collection of outdoor nude photographs taken over the last four years by Dan West.

Hardcover, Dust Jacket US $66.95


Darren Phillips

"Between The Light"

A collection of Art Nude shots taken In and around the Australian Landscape over the past 5 years.

Hardcover, Dust Jacket US $99.95
Hardcover, ImageWrap US $99.95


Dave Levingston

"The Figure In Nature"

Paperback, 100 pages, Full color, 8.5 wide × 11.0 tall (inches).
Beautiful women photographed in beautiful locations from California to Maine. Levingston integrates the female figure into the landscape and reveals relationships that go to the core of our ideas of beauty. A delight for the eye and the intellect.

Price : € 32.76


David McAleavy

I like to think that any source of light can be used to make a photograph - so I spend most of my time lighting models with flashlights and lasers and LEDs. The exposure times are long, which challenges the models ability to stay still, but the quality of light is unique. This book contains 53 of these images, representing 26 of my favourite models, without whom none of this would be possible. This is the compact 7" x 7" edition. The larger 8" x 10" edition can be found here : blurb

Softcover US $23.65


David M. Brown

Shadows And Soft Light"Shadows And Soft Light is an in-depth look at shooting the female nude figure in the studio, in nature, and on location. A portfolio containing fifty nude images featuring professional figure models. Lela Rae, Tristic, Sarah Ellis, Kythera, Krystaal Ann, and Sarah Robertson. Each photo painstakingly crafted and lighted to accentuate line and form, figure and beauty. Shadows And Soft Light bridges the gap between the art nude, the figure nude and the glamor nude in stunning detail. Gleaned from more than three thousand images and shot by Photographer David M. Brown over a three year period SASL includes all the shot information on how each photo was created. Beauty, art, and the nude form carefully and perfectly woven into each image.


David Winge

"Desert Nudes
84 Pages, 73 images on Premium Paper.

Softcover US $44.95
Hardcover, Dust Jacket US $58.95
Hardcover, ImageWrap US $61.95


Doug Winsor

"pretty naked nudes"
A collection of nude work done between 2006-2008.

Softcover US $44.99
Hardcover, Dust Jacket US $59.99



Dimensions : Portrait standard, 240 pages. A collection of work done in 2009 (and a few from 2008). Shot in Nova Scotia,Canada.

Softcover US $79.99
Hardcover, ImageWrap US $99.99


François Benveniste

Maîtresses Mécaniques


Gary Breckheimer

"The Naked City"
Book size 12x12 also comes in 7x7.

Hardcover, Dust Jacket US $125.00


Gary Mitchell

"Dark Light
Paperback, 70 pages.

Price : € 16.36


Gerhardt Thompson

"The Sun Drenched Nude"

The Sun Drenched Nude is 155 pages with 75 photos from seven of Gerhardt's award winning series. All pages are printed on 100# matte coated text. The book is an 8 inches high and 10 inches wide hard cover perfect bound book with a printed and laminated dust jacket.

From US $79.95


"Exposing the Nude"
Exposing the Nude is 270 pages with 200 photos. All pages are printed on 100# matte coated text. The book is an 11 inches high and 13 inches wide hard cover perfect bound book with a printed and laminated dust jacket.

US $249.50


Herr Buchta

28,2 x 22,6 x 1,8 cm, 196 pages.



Howard Nowlan

28 pages, Saddle-stitch Paperback, Full color, 8.5 wide × 11.0 tall (inches).

Price : € 13.48


31 pages, Saddle-stitch Paperback, Full color, 8.5 wide × 11.0 tall (inches)

Price : € 13.79


30 pages, Saddle-stitch Paperback, Full color, 8.5 wide × 11.0 tall (inches)

Price : € 13.68


Irakly Shanidze

"Snipers in Love"
Photographs of Garry Avanesyan (Czech Republic), Pavel Dolezhal (Czech Republic), Irakly Shanidze (USA) and Edward Tevosov (Russia) are different in style and content, but they all have something in common: all four artists treat photography not as a tool for mere recording reality, but as an opportunity to visualize their unique and at times peculiar way of seeing the world and to bring it to a viewer.

US $40.00


Isobella Jade

"Almost 5'4"
Paperback, 252pp. When she was nineteen she posted her photo on a free Internet modeling website unaware of the risk, passion and self discovery that would follow. From that day, being a college student in New York City wasn't exciting anymore and instead being a model in New York City sounded so much better...


James M. Graham

"Some of This is True"
"Some of This is True" features twelve black and white plates from the “BUNNIES” series and eighteen color plates from the “chairs” series, Afterword commentary on each, an interview with the artist, and a Foreword by noted photographer George Pitts. This 8”x10” perfectbound softcover first edition is issued in 100 numbered and signed copies, each with a signed “outtake” print from one of the two series.

US $27.55 plus tax and shipping as applicable.


Jason Tag

"In this book you will find an exploration of something not pretty. Something dark, something that not many are willing to explore. Dark issues such as drug use, depression, body image issues, acceptance of self. I give a lot of credit to Ashleigh for making these images really come alive. For being able to breathe life into the ideas. And for having the courage to help me realize ideas as dark as those found in this book"

Softcover US $32.95
Hardcover, Dust Jacket US $43.95

Hardcover, ImageWrap US $45.95


"Discovering the Feminine"
38 pages. Shot entirely in Hawaii, "Discovering the Feminine", features the photography of photographer and artist Jason Tag. It is a look back at select images captured during the first year of his work with female artistic nudes in nature.

Softcover US $25.95
Hardcover, Dust Jacket US $35.95

Hardcover, ImageWrap US $37.95


"Nudes and Trees"
76 pages, Premium Paper. Featuring images of beautiful and natural settings, this book showcases images of the nude female form near and around trees.

Softcover US $34.95
Hardcover, Dust Jacket US $47.95

Hardcover, ImageWrap US $50.95


"Outdoor Nudes"
Paperback, 41 pages. A collection of outdoor, artistic nude images by Hawaii.

Price : € 27.87


"Simply Nude"
Paperback, 31 pages. Life is full of beautiful experiences. None more beautiful than being nude in a beautiful place. SIMPLY NUDE is a collection of images by Honolulu based photographer, Jason Tag, celebrates the amazing beauty found in the female form and showcase that beauty in natural settings.

Price : € 24.56


Jenna Black


Standard Portrait, 40 pages, Premium Paper.

Hardcover, Dust Jacket US $53.95


John Peri

"An apartment in New York"
During a recent stay in New York, I rented an apartment in Manhattan near Soho and invited over some young ladies to take photos. They remained for varying intervals of time, some for a few hours only, one in particular for over three days. Though some of the images are staged, they quickly understood what I was after and for the most part I just followed them around and took pictures while they did their thing. It was a fun thing to do and the book should reflect the lighthearted way in which these images were take and the fun that we had in doing it. NB. Sold at publisher's cost without profit.

Softcover US $36.95
Hardcover, Dust Jacket US $49.95


"Conversation Pieces"
This is a photographic essay of my friend Gaia. Almost two hundred pictures mostly in colour taken in various natural settings at home and then abroad during the summer vacations. There is a lot of glamour/nude work included, but I also followed her around largely, taking photos while she did her thing .. getting dressed, putting makeup on, visiting the fridge, laying out the table .. in the bedroom, bathroom etc., … it’s summer time, so I guess she is often in minimal state of dress, but she carries it with grace and elegance at all times. I am admittedly pleased with the result, because quite apart from her astonishing beauty, she conveys an intimate feeling of sharing in her moods, and the viewer gradually gets the impression that he starts to know the person behind the images. NB. "Sold at publisher's cost without profit"

Softcover US $36.95
Hardcover, Dust Jacket US $49.95


"Private Recollections"
A stroll down the street. Don't you always wonder what the girls look like when in their privacy at home? This essay portrays four wonderful young ladies photographed at home and on vacation, two blondes and two brunettes .. are you sure that one of them isn't your next door neighbour ... a collection of fine art nudes and portraits /226 full pages of photos. NB. This volume is sold at Blurb cost price/no benefit to the author, in order to encourage distribution of the work.

Softcover US $50.95
Hardcover, Dust Jacket US $64.95

Hardcover, ImageWrap US $69.95


John Running

"Genetic Imprints" (11 x 13)
Genetic Imprints is a book of a Photographic Exhibition held at the Flagstaff Photography Center Gallery. It is a series of 21 photograph of nude models and wild animal skulls. It is a book about life - not death.

Hardcover, Dust Jacket US $93.00


And a lot of other books to order here

John Tisbury

Paperback with 144 printed pages, Size : 245mm x 170mm. This book features a collection of over 100 colour and black and white photographs illustrating John Tisbury's work. It's his first book, John is known for his contrasty and edgy style of studio lighting as well as his skill with location work, Curves contains a fine collection of images, ideas and creativity. Limited to 1000 copies on first edition.

Retail Price : £16.99


Joris Van Daele

"Private Spaces, Natural Graces"
This book examines the nude subject without makeup artists, hair stylists, lighting experts, and studios. People are their natural selves—beautiful just as they are. The book explores people in familiar, secure surroundings: their homes. These photographs are nude portraits and figure studies, they are not romanticized glamour shots or erotic, sexualized images.

Softcover US $39.95
Hardcover, Dust Jacket US $51.95
Hardcover, ImageWrap US $54.95


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