April 5, 2013

Brian Mackey's Interview

" My images are a record of a day in the life, not a statement of how great either of the model or me are. I shoot for the joy and fulfillment of making imagery. The reward is not just images-records of time, it's an emotion that runs very deep."

"One night in Brooklyn III"
Art Model Daniel

"Face from the past XXXI"
Art Model Sam

Brian, you say : "My work has always been a very selfish endeavor, my reason for being". I want to know more of course. So how exactly did your passion for photography begin ? I'm sure you remember your very first experience ?


My first camera was a 4x5 wooden view camera. I fell in love with seeing the world upside down and backwards.

I studied the Zone VI workshop by Fred Picker, and I wanted to be the next Edward Weston. But as life would have it, I didn’t have the financial resources to be the next great one.

I continued to make images and support myself in Louisiana and Texas with imagery until I met and married my bride of 16 years Connie. I continued to shoot for a few more years, mainly her as my muse, then my first daughter came along and well, it was time to get a real 9-5 job.

"Brooklyn Girls"

So the cameras got sold and I bought a computer.

I always yearned for my I images, although I never could again put the darkroom and cameras on the table, the medium never left my blood. Fast Forward to 2001. The Olympus E10 digital camera came along and I was now able to have my darkroom on my computer, hmm, now this will work !

I fumbled with the new media at first and Photoshop gave me migraines, but I kept at it.

The internet allowed me to make new acquaintances and it just exploded from there.

"A quiet moment"
Art Model and Photographer Rachel Lovitt

"Quiet moment"
Art Model Natalia

"Can you see the future"
Art Model Laura B

You say that you lived about 20 year far from the world of imagery. Knowing how passionate you are, wasn't it too hard to live without your camera ?

It was tough but I had family and a daughter to keep me busy and learning and new career path in computers also kept me busy.

When viewing your work for the first time, I was immediately impressed by the simple truth of your photographs. Neither refined lights nor perfect poses, neither complicate compositions nor false beauty, sometimes disturbing, sometimes romantic, you succeed to capture the truth of your model in the real life, like Kiran Patil, Andrew Kaiser, Al Calkins or Whitman O'Rourke. Do you feel this approach of your work correct ? Do you find your style in these words ?

Yes very much so. My only style is, well, real, or I try to re-create “real” the best I can.

"Private moments III"

I am blessed with lots of real women who have allowed me to photograph them as real as possible.

"A quiet moment III"
Art Model Laura B

"A friend from the past VIIII"
Art Model Amanda

You seem to have a true predilection for BW and indoors shootings, with a large white frame. Is it a conscient choice or the way you feel your art ?

It’s where my art lives. I love to shoot outdoors, but in today’s world, there’s not much real nudity outdoors to capture.

The white border is just my style as though the image is in a matt.

A lot of your pictures are titled "A friend" or "Faces from the past". What is the reason ?

Well, because they are gone in one form or another. Either the relationship faded, or they moved on and do not communicate anymore. Artists are not real easy to like or be friend it seems, so they have more important relationships to build.

"Faces from the past XXXII"
Art Model Sam

Some words about your so "natural" models ? How do you find them ?

Most models find me. Believe it or not, I live on the shy side. It is hard for me to open up real quickly to most, lots of bad child hood crap I guess. Now, after a couple crown on the rocks I loosen up, J but I don’t reach out much at all, my biggest short coming I guess not reaching out to models

A difficult question, I know, but could you choose your own favorite photo ?

I cannot choose just one I’m afraid as they all hold different meanings and experiences in my life. Each and every muse is special, and non are above the other.

"My New Bride"
Art Model Laura B

Have you some challenges you're dreaming about in a near future ?

Well, making it to 60 would rock LOL ! I would love to start shooting again, but it’s hard for me to reach out (see above).

I also have a new bride, Laura, that’s bringing me lots of joy and happiness, so making her happy is what my near and far future will remain to be about.

"Fun with Carly"
Art Model Carly Erin

You're so right ! Love is the most wonderful goal. Brian, I didn't find a book about your work ? Is there one to come ?

I have a book that my best friend and I made Called “48 the unrated version”.

I am also Published in the last Secrect magazines anthology 5 (I think its 5), the master of Fetish. And two years in a row published in Erotic signatures hard cover book.

What is your best way to promote your work ?

I wish I knew !

"Femina Invictus"
Art Model and Photographer Rachel Lovitt

I hope this interview will help !... So, where can we purchase your prints ?

Directly from me. I don’t trust others to print my work, I’m VERY anal.

Is there a question I forget and you would like to answer ?

I don’t think so. I have heard that people won’t approach me to shoot, because they think Im too good. I wish I could squash that emotion. I never say no to anyone that wants to shoot in the style I call my own. So with that said if anyone wants to work with me, they should just reach out, I never say no.

What advices would you give to someone who wants to work in your genre ?

Study Light --- Keep it real.
Trust your eye and build your own style.
Good advices ! The best... Any message you’d like to leave our readers ?

I would just like to thank them and the handful of people that enjoy my work, and a couple of very special people who made a lot of it happen.

Many thanks to you Brian ! For your work, your sincerity and your passion !

"A friend from the past IV"
Art Model Amanda


  1. Congratulations, Brian, your new bride is beautiful! And talk about luminosity...I love your light.

    Thank you, Chris, for this touching interview, and thanks to Brian for sharing. I know about being shy and also about migraines.

  2. Oh, I am thrilled to see Brian and his work featured! He is an inimitable artist with a vision that goes beyond the image. He influenced me in so many wonderful ways and is someone I am honored to call a friend.

  3. Thank you Rachel xoxoxox

  4. Hm.. What to say that hasn't been said? Well I'll start with I am his daughter. I love his work. And I can choose a favorite photo.. It is one taken 29yrs ago. While my mother was pregnant. I'm proud of you dad..



Merci ! Thank you !