July 30, 2013

Jan Murphy with Art Model Tidal Kitten, "Making Shapes" Series

"Making Shapes" by Jan Murphy, London, UK.
A series with Art Model Tidal Kitten.

Dear Jan, I've recently published one photograph of this exceptional series. You guess I see many things, but I would want to know your own feelings about it.
What inspired you ? What did you want to express ?

When working with this model, I saw such strength in her posing, character, even down to the tattoo's on her body, which were all intensely symbolic and of strong animals.

The series to me represents strength, creating and playing with shapes from the human form (in fact I named the series 'Making Shapes' after this), mainly though, it was trying to get across the powerful yet definite female energy and all that it represents.

This was my challenge.

I sense that others will appreciate the images as they are beautiful to the eye but possibly not understand them to the degree that I felt them that day.

What I love about art/photography though is everybody sees/senses someting different from all angles and from varying perspectives. The change and the different viewpoints is what makes the world a wonderful place.

Challenge accomplished ! How did you create it ?

This started out as a book shoot towards my Photographic Book 'True Selves' (due out later this year).

The model wished to show a childish side of herself as some say she has an innocence about her, a child inside an adult's body.

This was really wonderful as the model felt comfortable to share playing with expressions in her art, as she had never done before. We showed her childish side never forgetting that this was through the body of a woman.

I am not showing those in my choice in this article but some will be displayed in my book when in print. I will keep you up to date with my book and how it is coming along as I work on it further.

After shooting for the book, we had talked of working together on some Fine Art nude images. So, after consuming coffee and giving the model a prop to interact with, we started work.

The shoot was very natural as our connection was relaxed and we ''felt'' our way really and at times, the model was almost reading my mind as to what I wished for next so I didn't even need to ask her to change poses, it was really fluid.

Objects were given to interact with, chairs and suchlike and the end results you can see for yourselves. I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed creating them.

Of course Jan !... There is such a strength. And what is your favorite photo in the series ? I must confess that it's difficult for me to choose one.

I love this image for many reasons :

Firstly the pose is so beautiful, the way one hand rests against the foot whilst the other slips under the knee, making it look so elegant yet the strength is there throughout, how can this be ?
Secondly, I love the eye contact as it reinstates the person sharing that they are happy within their skin and whilst on the subject of skin, during post processing, I created a really beautiful skintone, one which I feel adds to the overall 'feel' of the picture.

I must say it is so hard to choose a favourite image as I have many for very different reasons, so if the interviewer allows I would like to say that I do so very much love this one for the strength, the pride, the upright pose and the way you can see to the very core of this lady and this image :

Thanks a lot Jan. What a beautiful series ! I know many photographers and readers who will love it... And thanks to your amazing art model too.

1 comment:

  1. A very cool series of images and a nice insight also :-)


Merci ! Thank you !