September 21, 2010

Laugh and smile, the art of the instant.

"A fragment of you"

by Brian Mackey

"Fun with Carly"
Art Model Carly Erin

by Burkinafazo

"Paradise File 21"

by Daniel Bauer

"Fashion 3"

by IMSirReal


by James M. Graham

Art Model Cristi

by John Peri

"Wine tasting"

by Mic Ardant

"Is the Conscience To exist a Problem"
Art Model Cindy Hope

by Michael Vasquez

"The Smile"
Art Model Leslie

by Minon

"Paris, no III"
Self portrait

by Nikola Borissov

"Svilena, don't smile"Actress Svilena Kidess

by Perry Gallagher

"Sweetheart from long ago..."


  1. Through this exhibit, I can see your smile, Chris, and it is like the sunshine. Keep smiling !

    I am so honored you trust me with "The Baby" and again and again and again so grateful to our art editors, contributing artists, and READERS, and very personally, to Iris Dassault for introducing me to bloggie world (as you can see in the picture) and to LinB who has been a long-time inspiration.

  2. I am glad to see that you are still smiling, Chris.

    Again, welcome home!!!


Merci ! Thank you !