January 18, 2013

Karel Vojkovský's Interview

Karel Vojkovský at his official site, photo.net, deviantART.

Dear Karel, could you tell to our readers some words about yourself ?

I was born in 1982. I have been studying at the faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Czech Technical University (CTU) in Prague, Department of Manufacturing Technology. I am currently studying on the postgraduate program (Ph.D.) at the same University.

I live, work and study in the capital of the Czech Republic – in Prague, in the heart of Europe.

How exactly did your passion for photography begin ? I'm sure you remember your very first experience ?

The passion for the pictures can be hidden in each of us and usually it is. We just wait for impulse, waking up the ambition to create or leave something behind.

While studying the University, I had several different personal projects. After finishing my last one, I told myself : “Why not to try photography ?"

Taking pictures impressed me every time.

At the beginning, in 2006, I was passing all the branches of photography. In year 2007 I began to spend my time with composing portraits and then more and more with nude.

Every photographer has his style, his original touch, and yours is very clear. If it is possible, and I know how difficult it is, how could you define your signature ?

Every photographer should have its own pencil and style. On the other hand, there is a question, if this “pencil” changes with increasing time spent on photography. As I see, my work impresses you with a very clear sense. So do I.

Since my childhood, I have been led to think technically and this aspect is probably reflected in my working with details and with sense for clarity of the subject and form of photography.

I really like using the body as an instrument, or as “the most perfect machine”. We will see in the future, how my work will develop and what direction it takes.

Do you see a great difference between east and other nationalities photographers ?

Of course, culture and geographic location can influence mentality of people. Sometimes positively and/or negatively as well. It can reflect author’s perception and be projected in his work. First of all it is the work with natural sense for every idea. We all develop in certain direction.

I had the opportunity to meet personally many foreign authors from Japan, Austria, Russia, and USA. All these people were humble with other’s work and they were also really decent. At common exhibitions, it was honor to me, when I met and spoke with Mr. Howard Schatz (USA). I was absolutely complimented his human and vital attitude with my work. To be honest, I really appreciate people of this kind and I harbor submission to them.

In what themes, what particular situation or location do you find your most prolific inspiration ?

There is an inspiration all around : just open your eyes and look around ! Sometimes, there occurs situations, which wake up the idea of the new picture. It is currently dream or a bottle of good wine, but above all the music, what can give you an idea.

I find the most important inspiration among people, their individuality and charisma.

You seem to have a large preference for movement and BW photographs ? Am I right ?

Yes, it is still like this, even if I don't want to stay just in BW space in future. Currently, for my free and present work, BW space suits me very well. It integrates subject, form and creates clear picture.

Except nude art, is there another genre you enjoy ?

Of course, I like and enjoy most branches of photography. I'm not a guy to follow strictly one category. Taking the nudes is above all, indeed. I take pictures just for fun as well (analog) or I try to experiment.

I have recently been interested in arranging portrait pictures and working with the light. Simply said, I photograph anything what captivates me, if I carry with me my camera – often just to catch a moment.

Do you plan every detail or is there a large part of improvisation ?

Of course, I create most of my figural poses from original imagination. The rest of them are an improvisation, which came into being at photographing in atelier.

Every time there is a need close cooperation with models and their possibilities.

The sense is the most important element of creation. The indispensable part of this activity is the assistant’s help. The pictures couldn't come to reality without them. I would like to thank to all, who participated my work to spring up.

Another difficult question, I know, but what is your own favorite photo ? Could you choose one ?

This question and the answer are not as hard as they seem to be. My favorite is the picture, awarded with first prize in nude category in 2008 at prestigious international competition TRIERENBERG SUPER CIRCUIT. After some time, I started feeling this picture as a symbiosis of the man and woman, clarity of form and balance of subject. Man, protecting the woman, who is symbolically rolled up in prenatal position. The main impress comes through the game of lights and shadows falling on their bodies and giving plastic form to the picture. Some watchers can feel it as a brain with pith.

What is your actual project ? Have you some challenges you're dreaming about in a near future ?

I have finished and left my work in “studio NUDES 2007” nude series. I currently work at industrial nude series, focused at figural nudes with more statures and putting it through the heavy industry, which can be richly found in Czech Republic. Exterior taking pictures is much more exacting, than I expected, but I hope, that the results will be really worthy. This is my first experience with exterior photographing.

For the future, I would like to cooperate with different people as Grinchenko Brothers , Fratelli Errani or Alexis Brother. They put theirs mind into figural formations and this theme interests and fascinates me.

I didn't see a book about your work ? Is there one to come ?

I guess, that there wouldn't be as much good my pictures to publish the book. In the first half of 2010 is being prepared limited publication of several Czech authors interested in nude. We want to present just the true best from each author.

I'm impatient to see that ! And what is your best way to promote your work ? Where can we purchase your prints ?

I really appreciate the people like you, who make them heard and show the interest in my work. I eminently regard and treasure it. The certain form how to publicize my work can be exhibitions, photography focused internet servers, competitions or the magazines specialized in author’s portfolio etc. Just notice – we are dealing now with propagation of free work – nothing commercial. On the other hand, I have limited edition of pictures for sale. The money for that work I entirely use to create and push my work in advance.

Thank you Karel for the compliment. Is there a question nobody ask you and you would like to answer ?

People often ask me : Doesn´t your girlfriend mind your working with naked bodies ? I have been making my time with my girlfriend Zuzka for more than ten years and we keep a close trust to each other. She is a person, I want to walk through my life for a long time with. She knows, how I work, and I treasure and respect her. On the other hand, I had to break for a year my photographing, because she mined sure aspects of my work. I realize, that if she e lead an opened dialogue about this theme. Currently the situation is fine and I can create my free ideas again.

A message for our readers ?

Each of us is the inventor of our days and we are responsible for anything we do. If you feel, that you want to reach of to do something, just do it and don't let yourself to keep down by anything and anybody.

Create the things which entertain you and fill you with happiness. Remember me, the past was yesterday, presence is today and the future comes tomorrow…

Thank you Karel ! From the bottom of my heart.

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Merci ! Thank you !