June 25, 2014

Welcome Aaron Feinberg

Aaron Feinberg Motto :

“ You never know just how you look through other people’s eyes ”


You'll find Aaron Feinberg at his official site, deviantART.

"St Merrique 1"
Art Model, Author and Singer St Merrique -

Art Model, Author and Singer St Merrique

Aaron Feinberg is a Photographer from Kauai, Hawaii (USA).

Working mainly outdoors, like Jason Tag from Hawaii too, for sure a question of magic landscapes, Aaron has a true predilection for BW photographs.

That said, I've discovered a man with a poetic vision of the nude combined with a wonderful sense of the composition. Do I need to talk about his so expressive art models, his lights, etc. including his outstanding talent ? No, you'll see it in each image of this too short feature.

In fact, Aaron has touched my poet's heart. And big cherry on a delicious chocolate cake with a lot of "crème chantilly", he's one the kindest artist I met and who gives a true sense to this : "do the things seriously but never take yourself seriously" !

Therefore I'm very happy and proud to welcome him. Thanks a lot Aaron ! What a wonderful work.

Once you get in my head...

Art Model Summer

What you should know :

Name : Aaron Feinberg.
Occupation : Life traveler.
Favorite Camera : Canon 1Ds Mark II.
Favorite Subjects : Moving water and emotion.
Favorite Vacation Spot : Wherever I am not.

Art Model AJ Jerome

Well... not all about me.

"Apocalypse Now"
Model Sabrina

I have come into photography after playing a game of cat and mouse with the medium.

As a child there were courses at summer camp, the gift of a camera here and there, but nothing really grabbed a hold of me. Always the interest but never the true desire. Then, while ski bumming in the Wasatch Mountains of Utah, with a little point and shoot someone saw something in my ski photos and said “Hey, you should keep shooting”.

"My Only Friend"
Art Model Wolfpup

"Stary Night"
Art Model Rachel


Since that day I have strived to capture the world as I see it and improve every day.

Mostly self taught, I draw inspiration from photographers I’ve met along the way, whether in person or through the endless world of the interweb and thank them for pushing me (unknowingly) to reach ever higher.

And for those of you who want to know more... just ask :-)

"Boulderly Rest"
Art Model Jenn


Merci ! Thank you !