January 25, 2014

Matthew Scherfenberg, by Brooke Lynne

Matthew Scherfenberg

UdA Art Editor

Working with Matthew and making art with him in his studio is like stumbling upon an endless void of creative potential and possibility. He is a true art model's dream to collaborate with. He always has some image or idea conceptualized in his mind.


Even when I have suggested a spontaneous shoot with no concept in mind, he blows me away by his immediate inventiveness and his prowess of innovation, with not even the slightest hint of being thrown off guard by the lack of warning.

"Torn Shy"
Art Model Brooke Lynne

He knows exactly how to make a masterpiece from the concept he's working with, even if he's not quite sure about how it's going to be achieved. He instinctively knows how the model should relate to the concept and how to adjust the pose, down to the centimeter.

He is a complete control freak in his studio with the most pliable flexibility I've ever witnessed in a photographer.

Art Model Brooke Lynne

"Wet Whip"
Art Model
Brooke Lynne

Matthew is a genius at what he does, but he'll be the first to tell you that he is nowhere near where he'd eventually like to be in his photography. He is always striving to refine and better his art through deliberate practice. He has influenced this attitude in me tremendously, and I've learned so much from him.

He is, no doubt, one of the reasons why I became so captivated and passionate about nude fine art in the first place.
If it weren't for him, in all likelihood I wouldn't have started art modeling at all.

Art Model Brooke Lynne

Matthew found me on a community website in spring of 2007, asked me to look at his work and to "be brave" and try modeling for him.

I'm so glad I was brave and took the leap. He was my very first photographer, and continues to be an inspiration to me - photographically and generally - to this day.

"White Valley"
Art Model Dani

"Tan Tube"
Art Model Heather

"Storm and the Greek"
Art Model The Peach

I had never thought of myself as any kind of artist.

I've always been very technical, and felt I would be some kind of scientist. Initially my interest in photography grew from its technical complexity. Sometime in college, something changed. Ever since then if you ask me what I do, I say, "I'm a fine art photographer."

"Little Tips"

Art Model Brooke Lynne

I discovered that, to most people, the human form is the most beautiful and compelling subject. One way or another it touches all of us. For that reason, I choose to capture that beauty and present it disconnected from connotations of sexuality, identity, and emotion, and present only the aesthetic element.

"Pink Foil"

Art Model Youn Kyung

I don't want to be sterile.
I want to provoke and stimulate.
To inspire.

"Black Cotton Candy"
Art Model Heather

My work is very much a collaboration of model and photographer. I spend great time and effort inventing new ways to capture a unique image. I try to keep the vision vague until the model inspires me. The model’s form and movement bring energy, temperament, and aesthetic complexity.

In this fusion I see the moment that makes me release the shutter. Just a few of these moments survive and are refined to become finished work.

Art Model e-string


Matthew Scherfenberg ©

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Merci ! Thank you !