“The moment of magic is past, but the photographic images remain.“ Andre J
You'll find Andre J at his official site, deviantART, his prints and calendars to order at redbubble, all his articles here inside.
Australian Photographer from Sydney, Andre J has always been fascinated by the beauty of the female form, in colour and outdoors settings of course, he's Australian...
"Stunning Dollybeck showing a remarkable Kate Hepburn quality (as in the scene from 'the african queen' we never got to see)"
With David LeBeck and Scott James Prebble, Andre J is one of the most prolific photographer I follow since a long time : at this date 1732 photographs in his gallery !
Such a creativity is really impressive... I let you imagine how long it takes to watch everything and how difficult it can be to choose photographs in a portfolio so full of marvellous (yes) images.
"Mud modesty"
Art Model White Peach
Self taught photographer, Andre J knows how to capture the best of his gorgeous art models, such as the famous Dollybeck or White Peach, Niansa and Seraphiim, all often published here.
Always looking for the most expressive poses, with wonderful contrasting shapes, he gives us the very best of their beauty in outstanding landscapes.
To end, a photographer can be prolific, but there are not so numerous to succeed like Andre J.
That said, I know his modesty, let's hear him.
Thank you Andre for your indefectible support since the beginning of this site.
From his interview for World of the Nude Art blog :
"Most of my nude work is fine art, generally harmonising or contrasting the human form with or against natural or built environments.
I love nature – rocks, beaches, rivers, etc – so they are my usual backdrops. Some built environments also appeal, particularly ruins or other atmospheric places.
I do some glamour work as my models often want some for their portfolios and it's something I enjoy. Fetish is not really my thing. The beauty of the form is what appeals to me. I don't see much need to augment it."
Some examples of the diversity of his work :
"Satin 2"
Art Model Baci
"What a delight to meet and shoot with such a wonderful, gorgeous and talented model as Baci"
"Hang on"
Art Model White Peach
From White Peach : "I would like to say a huge thank you to an amazing photographer, Andre J, with whom I did my first real art nude shoot yesterday. I trusted Andre from the minute I met him, and enjoyed every second of working with him (even lying down in the freezing water to get a good shot!). We have the same idea of what constitutes a beautiful art nude shot, which made the shoot a great occasion for us both to bring out our creativity and do some amazing work that I hope you will all enjoy. Thanks for making it a great experience for me."
Art Model White Peach
His Artist statement :
"Niansa is just amazing, stunningly beautiful, a super-enthusiastic model and an absolute delight."
"Beauty is truth, truth beauty, that is all.
Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know."
Those words, written 200 years ago by John Keats, seem simplistic, but simplicity often has a lot going for it.
"Red rock reflections"
Art Model Bronwyn Radford
A spring morning, warm sun on our backs, a deserted beach, amazing rock formations and colour patterns on wave-wet rocks, the sounds of waves crashing on the beach and an angel of a model as bare and beautiful as nature, in tune with nature, responding to nature.
And a camera to capture the play of light, the interplay of form between body and rock, the emotional connection between person and place.
It's primitive - and wild. And more important than most things we do in life. So many of the trivial things that obsess us day to day seem blissfully insignificant here - in fact they don't even register. Time stops. This is an eternal scene...
A boatload of hoons cruises past, wolf whistles, rebel yells.
We climb the hill - return to our worlds. The moment of magic is past - but the photographic images remain.
I thought that rather than give you a statement full of artistic jargon I'd give you the simple picture above. That is what I've been trying to do for several years now. Trying to capture that moment and share it.
Could I capture that scene, that light, the sounds, the emotions, the freedom, and share it all with someone through a photograph, then I really will have achieved something worthwhile.
Art Model Genevieve
So what are the elements of my style ?
I'm not sure that I know, but a few elements :
* Respect for the subject (model).
I have a lot of women, in particular, say that they love that aspect of my work and if I have one aim above all others, that's it. And it pleases me greatly if people can see that.
* A love of beauty.
In the human form and in nature, and a preference for showing harmony between the model and nature. I try not to disfigure the human form (I don't see showing ribs as a disfigurement). I don't go for images of pain or abuse. I don't stick sharp objects through my models or smear them in blood - not to criticise people who present such images - that's their style but not mine.
* I see beauty as an end in itself.
Some people say my shots are meaningless / they're not making statements / they don't have an edge to them... Fine, I can see that that is generally true, but that's not the photographer I am. Sure, I try to find a moment, a point of contact or harmony, but I don't feel the need for the image to make people think. I'm happy for people to appreciate the beauty.
* I have an instinctive preference for colour.
Some would like me to use more b&w... I do that fairly often but I don't see it as my strength.
* I tend to present the whole body rather than to crop tightly.
Lol ! I guess I don't like chopping people up... I'll leave the dramatic close crops to photographers who are better at that.
* I don't do much in the way of photoshopping.
I'd rather the image be real than be perfect. I'll edit out a bra-strap line and get rid of a bruise or cut and knock out a pimple but I'm reluctant to airbrush the model to plastic perfection. I don't mind goosebumps, hairs, moles, etc.
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