January 9, 2017

The Open Universe of Massalo


" I like taking pictures, it's a bit like fishing. I know it sounds strange but you are in contact with something that is bigger than you and you are trying to capture a bit of it, "that moment". 

"Open Universe"

Photographer, Painter, published Writer, Massalo lives in Angola, Africa. I think he's the first photographer from Africa to be published here, the main reason being they are not numerous on this continent. And don't ask me why.

In his self-interview, Massalo says he has not a particular style : "I take pictures. Christian Dior has a style. I just take pictures.", but you'll clearly see how much his photographs are original and innovative.

Despite his shy words, Massalo is truly a complete artist belonging these two qualities I appreciate so much : the modesty and the kindness, two more reasons to be very proud and honoured to exhibit him in this site. Thanks my friend. Pour ta gentillesse, ton humilité et les beautés que tu nous donnes.


"I believe that photography, and any other form of art, is a language that, if used correctly, can express things that spoken or written words could never.

It is a powerful medium, and beautiful too."

Massalo in BW

"Ramblin woman"

"Closed Universe"

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Merci ! Thank you !