August 27, 2011

An announcement

Alex by David Holmes

Hello everyone
we would like to make an announcement. Chris is on sabbatical. It will be myself, Roswell, Mosa and the contributing editors who will run UdA.
Apologies to those who have already sent pictures and information about themselves and who are still waiting for a feature. We have been in a transitional phase and some of us have been away. The features will appear as promised. We actually have a full programme of features and we are always willing to take into consideration any suggestion from followers. Please keep in touch with us. We will have features about male nudes, features of photographers who do not work in the 'classic' fine art nude mode and also features of visual artists - painters and sculptors. Everything that is a celebration of the human form. 
We now have a Facebook page, please visit and like us! We are on Twitter as @Univdartistes Please follow us! and we have a new email address which you should use to send us suggestions for features etc. univdartistes at (substitute at with @)

Have a great weekend!   Alex for the UdA team

1 comment:

Merci ! Thank you !