February 19, 2018

My tribute to Jeanloup Sieff

Jeanloup Sieff
30 novembre 1933, Paris, 20 septembre 2000, Paris, France

"All aspects of photography interest me and I feel for the female body the same curiosity and the same love as for a landscape, a face or anything else which interests me. In any case, the nude is a form of landscape. There are no reasons for my photographs, nor any rules ; all depends on the mood of the moment, on the mood of the model."

Dave Rudin, UdA Editor met him :

I met Jeanloup Sieff at a gallery in New York a few years before he passed away. He signed three of his books for me. The one thing I remember was when he was signing his book "Derrieres." In the book, he wrote that he had some personal favorites, but that he did not want to say which ones. So when I met him, I mentioned that he had some favorites derrieres of his own in the book, but then he waved his finger at me and said with a smile :
- No, no, no! I cannot tell!

Auto Portrait

"His interest in photography was first piqued when he received a Photax plastic camera as a birthday gift for his fourteenth birthday.

He recalled his holidays in Polish winter resort of Zakopane as a period when photographing newly met girls he got really hooked on photography.

In 1953 he attended the Vaugirard School of Photography in Paris, later on moved to the Vevey School in Switzerland, and in 1954 he was already working as a freelance reporter, leaving aside his brief interest in cinema.

In 1956 he began shooting fashion photography, and in 1958 he joined the Magnum Agency. His work for them made him travel to Italy, Greece, Poland and Turkey. He settled in New York for a number of years in the 1960s, where he worked for Esquire, Glamour, Vogue and Harper's Bazaar, becoming extremely popular in America."

Landscapes and Life and Dance

The impulse that led you to make an image is a thing that you cannot share with anyone, even if you explain it. What remains is a surface that will live its own life, that will belong to everybody. I accept that surface. 

"Affiches sur un Mur"

"Ambiance urbaine, In the car" 
Monte Carlo, 1960

 "The Hand of Painter Jean Michel Folon"
Paris, 1960

Ballet de l'Opéra de Paris 

"Shadow lines"
Vallée de la Mort, 1977

Fine Art Nudes

There are no reasons for my photographs, nor any rules; all depends on the mood of the moment.

I tried to show all his facets and I noted that Jeanloup Sieff had a preference for studio and indoors shootings.

Etretat Normandie, France

"Nude climbing Dune"


Paris, 1956

Paris, 1989

"Nude on Sofa"

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Merci ! Thank you !