May 11, 2018

Éric Gourdon, the traveler and the everyday denunciator

There is no greater and enriching adventure than to meet, even briefly, the other.

Born in Toulouse (France), Éric Gourdon spent his life between his home in Montreal (Canada) and the many countries he has explored with the eyes and the curiosity of an artist. Carrying his camera everywhere around the world, he immortalizes the human being in his daily life; the simplest and most natural scenes are the ones that depict the most striking truth.

«Le penseur»

«Le repas»

You cannot find greater sincerity nor greater truth than in these photos, that pay tribute to these actors of the everyday life... sometimes fighting to survive, sometimes celebrating their fate.

«Les comères»

«La mère et l'enfant»

«Les pigeons de Notre-Dame»

«Bulles de savon, bulles de bonheur»

A solitary man, he takes however pleasure to meet with the other. He observes the world around him and he crosses the road of many people who tell him their story without even knowing that he will then share it with the others through his photos, to which he gives an aspect of realistic paintings.

Never working with a telephoto lens, which would allow him to capture scenes much more discreetly, he prefers to use a lens that forces him to place himself within 6 meters (20 feet) of the subject, having not much other choice than to create a contact with it, if only for a few seconds.

«Embouteillage au marché flottant»

«Le sourire»

My passion for traveling has allowed me to realize that human beings have the same humanity, the same sensitivity and the same concerns, 
no matter where they live. 

«Jour de neige»

«Matin thaï»

They are similar no matter where they come from.

«L'attente et le froid»


Although his photographic learning is self-taught, he had the privilege to improve his techniques with talented photographers in Montreal and Paris.

The humanist photography or the poetic realism is a movement to which he identifies himself. The precursors of this movement, which was born in the 1930s and in which the human is represented in his daily life, are the well-known photographers Robert Doisneau and Henri Cartier-Bresson.

«La solitude de l'artiste»

«À vive allure»

A photo must be able to tell a story or better, to allow the observer to do the narration himself.

«Le promeneur solitaire»

«Le taxi»

«Les chemins perdus»

«Le musicien»

The primary goal of the photographer is to capture emotions that the observer of the images will then translate into feelings that will speak to him. 

«La fatigue»


The scene will tell the photographer a story, focusing on a character who, at that precise moment, will share with him something he will relate to.

Above all, it is with his heart that Éric presses on the trigger of his camera, without letting any form of reflection come to interfere.

«Le sage»

«L'éloge de la lenteur»

My artistic approach is mostly based on a feeling, much more than on technique. 

«La prière»

«L'isolement technologique»

«Seule dans la nuit»

His next trip will take place in the Azores and the other regions of Portugal, meeting the local people and culture, and sharing once again with us new faces and lives through his wonderful photos.

«Sur le chemin de l'école»

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Merci ! Thank you !