June 12, 2018

Marina Koriakyn: A soul catcher

Marina Koryakin 

Marina was born in Ukraine and lives now in Israel. She has a family with two children, and works full time in the demanding medical field. 

I discovered Marina on FB and became immediately enchanted by the way her captures just hypnotised me. They tell stories, enigmatic ones, taking me on a journey.

I try to capture what I feel and not what I see

"Lost in Tokyo'' series

As far as I remember, I always loved to observe people. I enjoyed imagining what their life would be and made lots of scenarios in my head. Three years ago, I opened a FB account and built up a circle of friends who were photographers. Their work inspired me.

There is something about some of the next shots that (hoping that Marina won't mind), I put together because of the immediate impact created by their existential nature.


I never had a camera because photography did not really interest me. One day, I started to take pictures with my phone and after a while I decided to buy a camera and took a beginners course.As I don't have much technical knowledge about photography, I chose the easy way and used a digital camera.



"Be what you want to be"

My passion is about street and documentary photography  

"Gypsy life"

"Gypsy life 2"

The beauty of street photography is the unexpected.Every time I go out wandering the streets, I try to capture what I feel and not what I see.


"Take me to church"

When do I know it's the right time to press the shutter? When my pulse goes up!My camera is set to B&W so that my mind does not get distracted by the colour factor.Later, on my computer, I convert them to colour and then, depending on my mood, decide which version to keep. :)

"Beach stories"

"From the dying sea series"

So what about inspiring artists? Many that I really admire and learn from. Garry Winogrand, Joel Meyerowitz, Robert Frank and Henri Cartier-Bresson to name a few. But I also learn as much as from so many talented friends I follow on social medias.  


"In the storm"


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Merci ! Thank you !