August 26, 2012

Tiki Llanes Lopez's Interview

" All my life is a dream. I can't stop dreaming..."

Photographer and film director from Mexico, Tiki Llanes Lopez is 27 years old.
" I think the Art is not necessary plasming just the things in life that are negative or dramatic... I think it's all about passion in all kinds of feelings. You can move emotions to joy, caring and kindness. You can catch stories in the eyes of people, what they are thinking, we say.

Well, you can be creative and touch their souls and they thoughts. It doesn't matter if you don't know them, or how far they are.

We are all connected, and we can feel each other."

"Let me Take you Down"
Art Model Yara

Dear Tiki, tell me how did your passion begin ?

My passion begin since I was like 12 years. I got my first camera and I started to take some photos.

It's what I call a vocation. And did you learn photography in a special school ?

I took a course in highschool, just the basics. And then I studied in Film Photography and directing in Vancouver Film School.

Who are your greatest inspirators in the job ?

My grandfather, because he was very creative, honorable and successful, and various Film Directors.

"Time Light Spot"
Art Model Yara

How long could you be far from your camera ?

2 or 3 days...

A short period, in fact... Of course. What kind of locations appeal you ?

I just try to take the best from the place or the situation when I'm taking pictures.

Model Sofia Gonzalez

How do you work ?

First with order, all must be clear, then as it comes... he he he....

Maybe perfectionist, isn't it ?... Do you make many corrections ?

Many !!!!!

Art Model Yara

What is your preferred photos in your portfolio ?

Some close ups and the ones that I crop in some risky way.

You're also film Director ?

Yes. I have produced two shortfilms and I writed and directed 5 shortfilms and two music videos. Some of them have been selected in international festivals in France, Spain, Chile and Mexico. I have an indie production company (CatarFilms), we have made more than 20 shortfims and were more than 500 people involved.

"Me ?"
Model Marcela Guirado

Have you a special project you're dreaming about ?

All my life is a dream. I can't stop dreaming...

I know you're preparing your next exhibition ?

Yes. I'm going to exhibit some of my works in a special event for support new talents in Mexico, on september 7th. In fact, I will love if you all help me to choose 3 of my works for it...

Of course ! We'll be glad to help you, Tiki ! And what else for your next future ?

Working on my two passions : Photo and Film, and make a living of them.

You're on the way. Have you a message to send ?

I'm very grateful to people for all the support I received through this kind of interviews or my deviantART. Thank you very very much.

"BN Truth Rose"
Art Model Yara

1 comment:

  1. He tenido la gran fortuna de conocer del trabajo fotográfico de Tiki Llanes atraves de DA y es impresionante el talento que tiene


Merci ! Thank you !