Lorand Peli is 28 and lives in Romania.
The first time I saw his portfolio, I was immediately attracted, telling me : "Ho, there is something inside ! The beginning of a style, a new universe to know better..." And he was very surprised to be asked for an article here inside, his first interview : "I've never took the time to write about me. Until now I haven't even thought about my first steps in photography !"
Lorand Peli, how did all that begin ?
I guess it all started when I took the leap from my childhood to puberty. Like everyone else I had a pencil and a sheet of paper... and I just got creative, as the hormones were dancing inside me. Of course it was just for fun, but I noticed that I liked to draw, with some talent (idest more than my friends around me). I learned programming (I really loved at that time) at the the high school, with maximum grades, so the drawing was just a hobby and a "waste of time" according to others. At this point, I'll skip a few years until the past year, at the end of summer, when I've bought my first camera.
Past year only ?...
I knew you'll be suprised. Yes, only one year ago. I'm a "newbie". I always wanted a camera. Since my childhood. So, the last year I have raised enough money to buy a camera. It was a Fuji Finepix E510. A point and shoot one, but I could set it to manual. And in december I got my Sony H5, which is slighly better. Today, I'm trying to get another better one, but I just can't afford it for now.
And how long could you be far from your camera ?
If I don't have my camera ? I can always go along with drawings. Anyway I have neglected them since I've bought it.
Do you feel particularly inspired by a kind of location ?
Of course some locations inspire me more, and sometimes my head is above the clouds, thinking how I could do and what could be the most apropriate for the site.
I don't have a preference between indoor (studio, hehehe, I try to manage one at home) or outdoors. I have learned (because most of the time I can't choose between lights or locations) to manage with what I get. If there is natural light... how to use it. If I get fortunate enough and shoot at home, how can I set my prehistoric lighting set to get out the most of a picture. So for now I really don't have a preference, except how to improve.
What is your process of creation ?
Where other people see disorganization (my mum for example) I see order. Most of the time I start with some ideas, but I always go along as I feel. I guess that makes me easy to work with, because I don't make strict plans (no rules) to follow and I don't have any pattern... I think that I'm open minded, always opened to suggestions, to new things. But it has to be relevant (for me).
Fine nude art is your passion, isn't it ?
For me, the human form (especially female, but I don't have any problem shooting male nudes also) surpasses the lanscapes, static products shots or stock photos.
I love to catch an excitement, a feeling, something that represents human being, young or aged. The thing that makes you "hot", different. I can't describe it very well. It's a feeling, and I know you know what I'm talking about.
What's for your next future ?
I have a running idea in collaboration with some people for my first exhibition, and of course I'm thinking about a book. Now it's too soon for me to contact an editor or a publishing house. Right now, I'm an unknown photographer and I won't get their support.
It will come, Lori ! Thanks for everything !
I love Lorand's trenuri portfolio, who is that model? She is just awesome, absolutely stunning, great photos.