October 21, 2012

Marquita Norwood's Interview

Marquita Norwood at ALTphotos, deviantART, this article about self-portraiture.

Marquita Norwood, how did you get into photography ?

I've always created since I was very young, beginning with painting and drawing.

I took my very first film photography class in university, but didn't continue after that for quite some time. Then 2 years later, I took a digital photography class in Paris via my university.
I don't have that much technical schooling. Most of what I know, I have learned on my own and continue to learn from others that inspire me.


Who are your greatest inspirators ? Your favorite photographers ?

 I have been immensely inspired by many painters including Picasso and Schiele. And photographers like Man Ray, and Cravo Neto.

There is something about black and white portraiture that has a gravity that I feel connected to.

While not all my work is black and white monocolour, I am inspired by such works.

How long could you be far from your camera ?

 Lately, I can't seem to go a day without being near my camera in case I get an idea !

Like me with my pen... Do you feel particularly inspired by a type of location ?

No, not really. Mostly I shoot myself in my flat :)

What are your preferences, indoors maybe, more than outdoors, natural lights and B/W ?

 I have no real preferences. Whatever I think will support the image, is what I use... but I have realized natural light is far more rewarding.

How long dit it take to find your own style ? More difficult, could you define it ?

 I am still finding my style. I haven't been involved in photography for very long. I really have been working with this genre on and off for some time, so I have yet to have a distinct style.

Currently, I am just doing self portraiture. I do not know how long this will go for, but I am enjoying it while it lasts.

"Personal Graffiti"

"L'Adoration de la Terre"

Is your photography mostly nudes ?

 Most of my photography is nude portraiture. I have stepped into something new with these fine art nudes, and would like to continue with for as long as possible because I have found it really rewarding.

"Bonjour, Bonjour"

And you're right ! Tell us about your process of creation ?Sometimes I do have to sketch out or write down ideas that are in my head if they are overwhelming and then I return to them, if I am in the mood to bring them into life.

Otherwise, a lot of my creative process is improvisation... spontaneous really.

I may have an idea, and I realize it may not work, so I try something else, and it works even better. I try not to structure things too much... it's just not my style. I like to have balance in my life, which includes my process of creation. A little structure, a little caprice. Works better that way for me.

What is your favorite theme ?I would say right now, I am my favourite theme :) I am my only model currently, and I would say I work rather well :)

"Cradle of Creation"

Fine ! And how do you feel at the end of a shooting ?

 Satisfied. I just like to get to the post-processing work !

Have you published a book ?

 Not yet. Perhaps when I have made more of a collection of works I will. Also, my main goal right now is to get new photography equipment and new models.

Some special projects, some challenges you're dreaming about in a next future ?

Once I have found the time and the right models to inspire me, I hope to start working on co-ed nudes. Nudes with male and female counterparts... bordering on erotica, also inspired by film noir and chiaroscuro.

"It Came In"

A message to send ?

I would say never compromise your vision. Always do as your nature dictates, even if it may seem unnatural or insane to others. You have to be you, not anyone else, so it is important to stick to your own ideas and not fall into the pitfall of mediocrity if that is not your desire. It is significant to leave your mark on the world, if you are serious about what you are doing.

Art isn't about popularity and celebrity, it's about you... the creator... doing what feels organic... doing what you have to...that is all.

Thanks a lot Marquita ! And see you soon.

"La Petite Mort"

1 comment:

  1. This is a very nice article. Keep up the good work Marquita ! :)


Merci ! Thank you !