"My landscape work is iconic and graphically strong and all about light. My portraits are about light and personality, My Nude Photography is intimate, personal, romantic, emotional, sensual and about the power of the feminine." David LeBeck
How did your passion for photography begin ?
I was always interested in photography. I loved still photography and good cinematography. My Mother was a fine artist and my dad was a pretty good amateur photographer. There just came a time when I was in College that I felt that i needed an artistic outlet. I was a lousy draftsman and Music just didn't click for me as something to make.
hotography was always something I'd been interested in so I bought a Yashica Electro 35 rangefinder. I soon developed a passion for making photographs. I began to learn how to compose images with help from my Mother and learned about light from movies, photographs and paintings.
Did you learn your art in a special school ?
No. I'm pretty much self taught. Hundreds of hours reading, shooting and looking at art in Museums made up my education.
How long could you be far from your camera ?
A day or two !
It's for sure the reason why you're so prolific ! Dave, who are your greatest inspirators ?
My Mom and Dad, My Brother.
Nice ! And your favorite photographers ?
That's a hard one. Landscapes : Ansel Adams, Paul Caponigro, William Henry Jackson.
"Window, 126"
Art Model Carly Erin
Photo Journalism/Street photography : Weegee, Sebastao Salgado, Robert Lebeck (no not my dad, LtCol Robert K. Le Beck USAF, The great german Photojournalist), Robert Capa, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Alfred Eisenstaedt, Carl Mydans, Robert Doisneau, Brassai, Imogen Cunningham, Eugene Atget, Tina Modotti and on and on.
Documentary : Dorothea Lange, Walker Evans, Edward S. Curtis, Clark Kinsey.
Nude Photography : Alfred Cheney Johnson, Ruth Bernard, Brett Weston, Gabriele Rigon, Beat von Wissenfluh, Andreas Bitesnich, Andre Brito, Joao de Castro, Sascha Huttenhain and more...
Avant Garde : Man Ray.
What a precision… Thanks ! Dear Dave, how long dit it take to find your own style ? How do you define it ?
I think it took about 10 years.
My landscape work is iconic and graphically strong and all about light. My portraits are about light and personality, My Nude Photography is intimate, personal, romantic, emotional, sensual and about the power of the feminine.
How did you get into nude art photography ?
Playboy was my first exposure along with Art galleries that my Mother took us to as soon as I was 8. After that I was inspired by great painters and photographers of the female nude. I attended Erotica LA for a couple of years and photographed the Adult actresses there. I decided that was not nearly enough, not even close to what i wanted to pursue. I was always interested in the female nude in Art so I wanted to make beautiful photos of the female body, but with the power of their personalities and femininity in the forefront.
"CK2, Window, 012"
Art Model CK
What are your favorite themes ?
Beauty, Emotion, Sensuality. A woman in a particular environment and her feelings shown in her expressions and body language. The beauty and sensuality of two women together as figures, as lovers or both.
What is your process of creation ? Do you plan every details ?
I plan a venue and a starting point for each set. Then it's improvisation with me and my subject playing off each other. Sometimes by using conversation, sometimes as with Betcee May or Natalia Faina, she reads my mind.
Do you feel particularly inspired by a type of location ? Indoors maybe ?
Anywhere works for me actually. Indoors in a home setting, a studio with bare walls, an abandined factory the streets of a city, nature, I especially like a venue that is visually interesting, either in harmony with my subject or in stark contrast with her.
"Rock Window, 509"
Art Model Betcee May
Art Model Betcee May
Some words about your models ? I know Betcee May is your "glorious" Muse…
Betcee May is my number one Muse. Others would be Natalia Faina, Wenona, and Escura. I'm very excited to be working with Roxanne Scheffer later this summer. She is a model of amazing qualities like Betcee May. Exceptional beauty, exceptional emotional range, and exceptional posing talent. Like Betcee May, she's also an accomplished artist herself.
How do you feel at the end of a shooting ?
Drained, sore, and exhilarated !
Have you a special project, some challenges you're dreaming about in a near future ?
I'm going down to mexico to spend five days working with Roxanne Scheffer. I've always dreamed about an opportunity to do something like this. Spend several days working with an exceptional talent exploring many themes and locations !
Have you scheduled your next exhibition ?
Not yet. I need more material.
"Figure, 721"
Art Model Sylvia
Are you sure ? You have already so many shoots... And have you published a book ? In magazines ? Is there a new one to come ?
No. I hope to be published in Carrie Leigh Nude Magazine !
I’ll tell her ! Besides shooting, have you another passion ?
Football (Soccer) I was an intercollegiate level player and played in the Seattle Men's League in the first division before a knee injury ended my career. My other passions include hiking nature. exploring great cities with my camera and cycling.
A message to send ?
Not really, except that My art celebrates Women. They are amazing and wonderful. I hope my photographs do something to celebrate their beauty and power.
Thanks a lot Dave for your trust and your friendly support !
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Merci ! Thank you !