January 28, 2018

L'édito du dimanche

Régiment d’Infanterie de Marine du Pacifique,
Nouvelle-Calédonie, classe 78/02

J’ai commencé par un stage de huit jours qu’ils appelaient stage commando. Je me doutais bien que ça devait être pire pour les vrais, mais on avait les peintures de guerre et la boue qui va avec. Quitte à faire venir un camion-citerne. On rampait sous le tir d’une mitrailleuse 12,7. Sous les barbelés, on n’a eu aucune perte à déplorer car on ne rampait pas, on creusait, morts de trouille, en s'enfonçant dans le sillon de boue rouge du précédent.  Le vacarme était étourdissant et le sifflement des balles terrifiant. Bien sûr, ils tiraient haut, on le savait mais ça ne nous a jamais aidé. Le plus dur, c’était de ne surtout pas salir mon Pistolet Mitrailleur. Le PM était l’arme du Radio. J’aurais préféré un bon vieux FSA, plus lourd mais bien plus précis,avec un joli bois que j’aimais polir la nuit pendant les punitions. A la sortie le Sergent-Chef Pietri nous attendait très impatiemment, on n’allait jamais assez vite pour lui. Il vérifiait scrupuleusement chaque arme. Á sa décharge, un canon plein de boue ne sert plus à grand-chose :
- Et allez traverser la rivière. Jamais vu des soldats aussi sales.
On la traversait, l’eau jusqu’au menton, les armes au-dessus de la tête, bien sûr. La rivière était large, marron, vaseuse et infestée de serpents verts et longs particulièrement agressifs nous avait-il prévenus avec un sourire cruel. Une fois sur l’autre rive, à moitié moins boueux et les rangers pleins de vase :
- Demi-tour ! Et n’oubliez pas la tête et le casque !

Le bon vieux Fusil Semi-Automatique et mon foutu PM

J’ai adoré la tyrolienne même si on devait sauter à cinq mètres dans l’eau en treillis et rangers, mais je préférais vu ce qu’il y avait dessous. J’ai aimé les jeux de cordes, les pneus, les franchissements d’obstacles, les cours de close-combat, d'égorgements silencieux, les courses d’orientation, l’art du camouflage. J’étais mort de fatigue, mais je ne cessais de me surpasser avec étonnement, là où des montagnes à glace échouaient. Je passais les épreuves avec succès, toujours bluffé par la prodigieuse imagination des créateurs du long, vraiment long, parcours d’obstacles et d’accrobranche copiés des années plus tard pour des comiques qui se la raconte.   

Par contre, j’ai eu un blocage à huit mètres de haut sur un étroit pont de planches mal posées avec un énorme trou au milieu :
- Exécution !
Le mot m’a semblé bien choisi. Je suis resté paralysé, les ongles enfoncés dans l’écorce, les yeux rivés sur le gouffre à sauter avec mon sac de combat, ma radio et mon foutu PM que j’avais déjà pris trois fois dans la figure.
- C’est facile. Tu as tout fait, tu peux le faire.
Il était sympa le Lieutenant Meynard. Il nous fournissait en gnôle tous les soirs. Il nous motivait gentiment en nous disant tout le temps que c’était presque fini.  
- Je n’y arriverai jamais mon Lieutenant.
- Pourquoi ?
- Je suis trop lourd ! Il doit y avoir trois mètres à sauter ! Sans filet ! Je préfère la taule à la mort.
Je me voyais écrasé huit mètres plus bas, le corps désarticulé, dans les sept pour cent de pertes autorisées.
- Négatif, il y a exactement un mètre cinquante. Tu as sauté bien plus loin ! Allez, avance et tu vas voir.
De mots en sourires rassurants, je me suis approché du trou.
- Regarde, un mètre cinquante. De la rigolade. Regarde-moi.
Je ne l’ai plus quitté des yeux.
- Tu recules. Tu inspires. Et tu sautes ! Oui !!
Il m’a recueilli dans ses bras, on s’est très vite séparé :
- Merci mon Lieutenant.
- Du bon boulot Pélier. Maintenant dans l’autre sens.

PS :
18 mois après, je n'ai pas voulu me rengager grâce à Boris Vian qui m'a chanté la veille de la plus grande hésitation de ma vie :

"Je ne suis pas né pour tuer de pauvres gens
Messieurs les Présidents, s'il faut verser le sang
Allez verser le vôtre."

January 27, 2018

Kae Love is back !

Kae Love is back !
Famous and shooted by a lot of my friends, Art Model and photographer Kae Love desires to model again. Be quick to ask her a shooting, she'll be quickly overbooked !

In 2015, I was very sad :

"Friends, my blog here was a great project. It was nice to look back and write about so many meaningful art modeling experiences. I’ve moved on to front end web developing and a few other projects. Keep creating art. Always, Peace, Love and Art. A tender hug."

Today, I'm full of joy to welcome her again and very impatient to admire her new always incredible work.

Some of my favorites and of her renowned talent :

No site my friend ?

" Kae Love is a most beautiful, talented and experienced model with whom (as somebody told me) "any hack could make good photos". It also helped that we were not pressed for time and that I could become somewhat familiar with her "philosophy" and how it translates itself into characteristic poses in response to a given setting."

The deep involvement of Kae Love to diversify your models :

If art nudes are about human emotions and human stories, why does it seem like the majority of art nude images are of white models, slender models, young models, and/or female models? No seriously, tell me.

"Cave girls"
With Art Model Joceline

"Snow Kae"

UdA Art Editor

"At the Top"

"China Camp"

"China Camp 5"

And your official site ?


"Caught in transition"


January 21, 2018

Welcome Jean Claude Sanchez

"Jeux..." with Amandine Aguilar

Jean Claude Sanchez is passionated by the dancers, like my dear friend Sjur Roald. He works with Le Ballet d'Europe and the ballets and schools of dance of our area, we live in the same city, Marseille, France. One day, maybe, we'll meet with a great pleasure.

Multi-awarded, BW addicted and still loving argentic, with more than 12 000 photographs since his beginnings, Jean Claude Sanchez works mainly indoors and in studio. But he likes also sometimes to come out and photograph our beautiful city which I've never seen under this angle.

Watching carefully his numerous photographs, I noted he preferred the nude non nude. It's his signature and a delicate exercize.

Merci beaucoup Jean Claude for your kind cooperation and your "yes!" which touched my heart. I'm honored and happy. Welcome on board the Collective !

His favorite
Stella, le coup de fatigue 

"Un premier appareil photo à onze ans. Une rencontre avec les images de JL Sieff va être le révélateur de ma vocation. Le Ballet d'Europe avec  JC Gill  me donne la possibilité de travailler avec les danseurs, les corps en mouvement, ma passion. Depuis je collabore avec les ballets et écoles de danse de la région PACA. Pour des projets personnels il m'arrive souvent de sortir les danseurs de leur quotidien. 

Je privilégie les images en noir et blanc facteur d'émotions, qu'elles soient en argentique ou en numérique.

Ballet d'Europe

Marseille, le Vieux Port

Anna Uchiyama à Paris



Heloise au studio


Les cabines

Orage d'été

Phyrum with L'Absara Pypy

Rue des Epinaux, Aix en Provence, with L'Absara Pypy

Stella au lac

Susana sur les traces de Frida

With Emmanuelle Marti

With Steph

January 6, 2018

The photo-artistry UdA Awards and Nominees

The idea came when Gabriel Olude, photographer and UdA Art Editor, talked me about his artist's friends working the photo-artistry like him, as he names a photoshop work, a genre rarely exhibited here which is a place reserved to true photographs precises the members of the jury.

This without pretention competition they called "The French Challenge" became an incredible event and we received a lot of images from all aroud the world. I confess I didn't wait such a keen interest which never ceases to amaze me.

We thank each of you for your kind and enthusiastic participation. We judged what we received and we're sure you all have some hidden treasures you didn't send us. Next time ?

I thank Gabriel Olude for the quality of the informations he gave us which made easier our hard and long work. A hug, my little brother : 
"Photo-Artistry is a fusion of digital imagery and conventional photography which results in beautiful works. We are very grateful to Univers d'Artistes for this Challenge which gives us a famous platform to show their art. So, meet these talented artists who bring smiles to our heart via their powerful creations." Gabriel Olude

The members of the jury :

The art of Dave Levingston
This photograph was winner of the French Magazine Photo, contest 2007
"Theda in the woods"

The art of Dan Van Winkle, UdA Art Editor


Our congratulations to each of you

The UdA Trophy is decerned to :

And we add Vibeke Alvestad Johansen for a late received work.

The prices :

You become Member of the Collective Art Magazine,
One exhibition of your photographic and artistry work.

(send 10 of your favorite photographs and images with some new words and your official site at pelierc@yahoo.fr)

I was born in New Zealand and presently live in Australia. I have always been creative and tried many mediums overtime. I embarked on my photography journey 7 years ago and recently found digital artistry and realised that this medium alongside my photography will enable me to fulfils my aspirations and vision far beyond my wildest dreams.

"At The Box Office"

I am passionate about provoking a feeling in people, especially as it relates to themselves and their own interests. I strive to incorporate what is most important to them when creating commissioned pieces. I am also most interested in pet photography and promoting my local hometown.


My creativity, ideas, inspiration, and style are derived from a broad range of sources that result in my continued desire to create digital and fine art that I hope to be thought provoking and widely imaginative to the viewer. I constantly think of art during a day and can easily spend 4 to 5 hours a day.

"My wings are fading"

I love to create to music and just get carried away with color and sounds my muse just guilds me.  I often start with an idea but my muse will take me in another direction.

"Late Lunch"

I prefer the term creator to artist, “artist” always seemed a bit lofty, something one must attain, rather than be. Everyone is a creative in some way or another, and as a teacher I strive to encourage others to follow their instincts and their vision to form their own path. I once asked a mentor if there was a difference between having an imagination or a vision. She told me there was no difference. I wondered why people with visions are considered a bit crazy, while we compliment others on their imagination. I have visions all the time. I always have. I am just now learning how to take what I see and make it real. It’s a slow process, but a worthwhile journey. Technology has been another mentor, allowing me to explore my visions in a way I never thought possible.

For me create Art is reveal my Vision.

"The Race"

My love for photography led me to where I am now. Though I appreciated the work straight out of my camera, I was fast developing a need to take it further. Now I've realized it's not just a need, it's a passion. When at the computer, I get lost, from the time I have an idea to the finished creation. The challenge of leaving what I find familiar and comfortable, and taking a journey into uncharted territory. I don't know where my art will take me in the life, but I do know I'm enjoying the ride!

"Steam Punk Mad Hatter"

My vision is to continue creating and designing that brings the world together as "one" since we are all connected. Creating art, designing graphics and social media posts, and helping others market visual content, and build their own successful brand is my mission and way of giving back to the world.

"Zebras on the move"

I have always loved art , over the last 4 years finding digital art has taken my life and love of art to a whole new level. My passion for my work has increased which has me looking at even the most mundane objects as a new challenge to create something amazing and beautiful from I have this endless desire of creativity.

"Winter is coming"

Five years ago, I chosed a new path in my life, going from real estate to living my dream as a fine art photographer and now also as a digital artist. I`m a self taught photographer and started to learn editing my photographs by watching all kinds of videos. In the beginning I did not take any courses. I create every day, discover the world trough my lense and make art from what I have in hand to more advanced projects. My vision is to inspire, to make you wonder, and take you with me into a world of beauty and sometimes darkness. There is often a lot of personal feelings and stories in my art, but I can also take a walk into this wonderful fairytale world where everything can happen. I find inspiration everywhere, but most of all in the beautiful nature of my homeland, Norway.


Our congratulations to each of you

From the jury :
We judged what we received and we're sure you all have some hidden treasures you didn't send us. Next time ?

Amelia Blanco
"Cuba-Pelican Girl"

Andrea Amos-Sebestyen
"London St Pauls"

Billa Bozem

Gail S Edwards
"Ruler of the Autumn Solace"

Georgene Singletary Harkness
"Breaking Free"

JoAnn Wilmot
"Golden Goddess"

Kathryn o Hare Vince

Linda J Austin

Lynn Jenkin

Merran G
"Let it go"


Sheri Emerson